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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship.  In the three months the application was open in 2019, over 7,000 young leaders applied to join the Class of 2019 on 1,209 campuses across 135 nations.  69 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 805 Millennium Fellows. 

During the Millennium Fellowship, Millennium Fellows' dedicated 96,705 hours and their 422 unique projects positively impacted the lives of 564,366 people worldwide.



University of Nairobi | Nairobi, Kenya | Advancing SDG 4 & UNAI 8


" This will give me an opportunity to interact with different young minds from different spheres of life, who have great visions for this world. Similarly, it will be an opportunity to work closely with the United Nations, an organization I have always dreamt being part of since my childhood, owing to the pivotal role it continues to play in the realization and advancement of world peace.
Through the program, I will be better placed in terms of knowledge on how to go on with the championing for a conflict competent society, in the realization of world peace "

Millennium Fellowship Project: ANGAZA SOCIAL PROJECT

‘Angaza is a Swahili word that means to ‘illuminate’ or ‘give light’. The project aims at empowering teachers so as to improve the learning outcomes of students. It also aims at mentorship of pre-teen girls in primary schools. The pilot project took place in a Shariani Primary school in Kilifi County, Kenya. The project is two pronged
1.Equipping teachers with IT skills so as to be able to make use of laptops and tablets provided y the government under the Digital Learning Program. This is after we realized the gadgets were not being used as most teachers did not know how to operate them.
2.Taking the pre-teen girls in primary schools through a mentorship program dubbed ‘Angaza teens.’ The program aims at imparting leadership and life skills to these girls. We want to use this program to broaden their horizons, show them the importance of education as there is a high rate of drop outs among the girls due to early pregnancies, early marriages and poverty.
The program will positively impact on about 500 -999 lives during the Millennium Fellowship journey, and even more after.
How impact will be measured:
1. We will roll out the program in 3 public primary schools
2. We will take at least two teachers per school through the digital learning program training. At the end of the training, the teachers should be able to take the students through a whole lesson using the tablets and laptops provided by the government to their schools. The teacher should be able to use the laptops to plan the class, access learning material and monitor the student’s activities in the laptops.
3. Angaza teens will be rolled out to girls preferably in class 5 and 6 in the three schools. At the end of the program, they should be able to make personal identity goals, learn self- worth and have self-discipline. They should also learn personal hygiene, self-confidence and responsible relationships.
We hope through these, the learning outcomes of the students will improve.
SDG addressed by the project: SDG 4- Quality Education
UNAI Principle applicable: UNAI Principle 3- Education for all

About the Millennium Fellow

Daniel Nzeki is an Alternative Dispute Resolution expert, with a Professional Certification in Mediation (CPM). He is also a Certified Clinical Counsellor and Therapist (CCT). In addition to his professional qualifications, he is currently pursuing a Bachelors Law Degree (LLB) from the University of Nairobi, Kenya.
Daniel has an unending passion for peace, tranquility, and justice for all. He looks forward to being an international Law Expert, and realization of a conflict competent society, from which world peace will be realized. He draws his inspiration from Nelson Mandela, an icon well known for global peace, as well as Professor PLO Lumumba, who is well-known for his championing for good leadership, accountability and an in an icon in the fight against corruption.

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