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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In the three months the application was open in 2020, 15,159 young leaders applied to join the Class of 2020 on 1,458 campuses across 135 nations.  80 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 1,000+ Millennium Fellows.  The Class of 2020 is bold, innovative, and inclusive. 



Kathmandu School of Law | Anantalingeshwar, Nepal | Advancing SDG 8 & UNAI 1


" I am very keen and driven to discover what Millennium Fellowship has to offer in terms of resources and opportunities that will enable me to work for the Nepali demographic who's means of livelihood have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. I am excited for the opportunity to be able to connect with young individuals like me who want to break the barriers of national boundaries, class, and technology to create a progressive, equitable and democratic culture in each of our societies. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Project 'Decent work and Economic growth' COVID-19 risk assessment

Project 'Decent work and Economic growth': COVID-19 risk assessment, led by Babita Khanal and Rhishav Sapkota who has been selected as Millennium Fellows for the Class of 2020. They will be conducting a research-based project to assess how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted the employment and wages in the sectors deemed most at risk in Nepal. ILO reports indicated that nearly four in every five workers most vulnerable to disruption are in the construction, manufacturing, and trade sectors. Also, one in every six youngsters has quit working since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic while the individuals who stay employed have seen their working hours cut by 23 percent, according to another ILO report. This project is the analysis of the impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on the vulnerable job holders in Nepal with the projection of possible roadmaps that would minimize disruption of livelihoods and enable a boost in its economy with proper integration of these workers.
1. Publication of at least two research articles in newspapers and journals exploring the effect of livelihoods in sectors most prone to disruption and the intersectionality that exists in such processes.
2. Create a Facebook page for disseminating information about workers and their plights which will also act as a forum for people to discuss their livelihood problems. The page will hopefully garner at least 2000 likes and 200-page interactions per week.
3. To collaborate with other Facebook Pages like Youthquake Nepal and enable coverage in relevant newspapers and magazines.
4. Conduct at least 3 webinars with stakeholders from respective labor organizations, government, and academicians.

About the Millennium Fellow

Rhishav Sapkota is a 21-year-old currently studying in Kathmandu School of Law, Nepal. He was born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal. He was born to parents who had just arrived in the capital city looking for a better life. He studied in an English medium school, took science in his senior high school years, and went on to study law in one of the best law colleges in Nepal.
He is interested in how power structures affect people's lives and how the individual can safeguard himself from damage caused by instability in these structures. He is aware of how activism can bring real positive changes in people's lives and strives to understand the intersectional implications that individuals face when making a livelihood in Nepal.
Following his curiosity has led him onto the way of becoming a lawyer and he's keen to discover new avenues that will enable him to create an impact, Millennium Fellowship being one such avenue.

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