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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In the three months the application was open in 2020, 15,159 young leaders applied to join the Class of 2020 on 1,458 campuses across 135 nations.  80 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 1,000+ Millennium Fellows.  The Class of 2020 is bold, innovative, and inclusive. 



University of Pittsburgh | Pennsylvania, United States | Advancing SDG 3 & UNAI 10


" I am so excited to be a Millennium Fellow because I cannot wait to work with other student leaders that are as passionate about their projects as I am about mine. I am eager to share my passion about health inequality and about the need for health education in Pittsburgh. I cannot wait to exchange ideas and learn from the other Millennium Fellows since that will help all of our projects to grow, become successful, and fulfill more of the UN's Sustainability goals! Thank you for this amazing opportunity! "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Healthy Heroes Pittsburgh

There is so much inequality across the world, especially in regards to health. Even though the United States is one of the wealthiest nations in the world, it has an astronomical wealth gap especially in regards to health. Aishwarya has particularly witnessed this in the college city of Pittsburgh and knew something had to be done, especially since this is in regards to health which is a right and necessity and NOT a privilege.

The idea of Healthy Heroes Pittsburgh is to use health education as a way to combat this health gap and create a stronger, healthier Pittsburgh community. The three biggest health concerns children in Pittsburgh face are childhood obesity, immunization and vaccines as well as preventive health/wellness. Healthy Heroes Pittsburgh will begin by first creating a community website for everyone in the Pittsburgh community to be able to access. Health education will be detailed in this website for community members to learn from and follow. In addition, presentations at different schools in the Pittsburgh area will be given about nutrition, sanitation, vaccines, etc in order to educate the children about common health issues. Brochures will be sent to the schools so that children have something physical to take home. Health education newsletters will also be sent to families for them to learn more about these issues. If communities are well educated about health issues, many of these problems can combat itself and people in the community won’t have to feel helpless by relying on the healthcare system. Instead, they themselves will be able to do more for themselves.

Aishwarya and the project team plan to reach at least two classrooms or Pittsburgh community centers and host three workshops in each, totaling to at least 6 sessions with the goal of having 20 attendees at each session. The team aims to positively impacy the lives of at least 100 people.

About the Millennium Fellow

Aishwarya Mukundan is a Junior at the University of Pittsburgh, majoring in Neuroscience and Sociology, minoring in Chemistry and pursuing Certificates in Global Health as well as Conceptual Foundations of Medicine. She has hopes of attending Public Health Graduate School and Medical School in order to pursue her dreams of working with Global Health organizations as a physician. She is not only passionate about ensuring that low resource communities have proper sustainable medical resources but also wants to educate the Pittsburgh community about youth health issues there. In her free time, she loves to dance, run and play piano.

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