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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In 2021, over 25,000 young leaders on 2,000+ campuses across 153 nations applied to join the Class of 2021. 136 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 2,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2021 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.



Fatima Jinnah Women University | Rawalpindi, Pakistan | Advancing SDG 10 & UNAI 6


" I am very excited for this fellowship because it gives me opportunity to explore my ideas with the world. It gives me a platform through which I do work with the students all around the world. I am very humbled and thankful to the Millennium Fellowship community to select me for this platform. I ensure you I will do my best for the Millennium Fellowship program. The skills I will gain from Millennium Fellowship program will make my social impact on my future goals and also create ways for my learning skills. I am also very excited because this program will create my link with United Nations program, for me this is very great achievement. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Increasing Domestic Violence during COVID-19

This project aims to create positive impact on our society which is to curb the increasing domestic violence against women during COVID-19. Violence against women is one of the main barriers to women’s empowerment and equal participation in society. However, it often goes unnoticed, undocumented and therefore unresolved. Violence against women is rooted in gender inequality. Especially amongst pandemic there has been an increase in frustration at the global level due to decline in the businesses and unemployment. Most of the domestic violence cases remain unreported due to stigma and shame attached to it. One of the elements that leads to this sort of violence is an outdated and discarded mentality that prevails in patriarchal society that women are somehow inferior to men. To get rid of patriarchy, there is a need of awareness in the society and especially in order to treat it from the grass root level, people must be aware of the fact that women are equal to men and must be bestowed with equal human rights. There are many laws for protection of rights of women but the problem lies in implementation.

About the Millennium Fellow

Kainat Sakhi is a young and bright student. She is a Law student studying at Fatima Jinnah women university Rawalpindi. She was born in Rawalpindi, and also resident in this city. She is a citizen of Pakistan and she wants to become proud for his country, his university and also for his family. She is very motivated about her work, she wants to be active in social work. She has high dreams for her future. For her, the Millennium Fellowship is a good opportunity that gives her a new path. She wants to do some things effective with his degree so Millennium Fellowship program gives her path and opportunity through which they give her point of view and ideas to the world and also explore her vision. Kainat ambitions to be in a professional field which she can cultivate these advocacies further, and provide her own contribution in the development of United Nations substainable goals.

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