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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In 2021, over 25,000 young leaders on 2,000+ campuses across 153 nations applied to join the Class of 2021. 136 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 2,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2021 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.



Makerere University | Kampala, Uganda | Advancing SDG 3 & UNAI 4


" Together we can overcome more than we know. The Millennium Fellowship offers me a chance to work with different people to find solutions to problems that I truly believe will change the world. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: One Health Project

The project was a sesnitisation project on one health, a reminder that we all have a role to play in the health of our friends and family in our communities as well as the health of the plants and animals in our community.
Major talking points
1.The definition of one health and the role of the humans in one health
Here i hightlighted how something as small as poor hygiene can cause sickness to not just one but all members of the hosuehold. Reechoing that health is everyone's responsibility and that we all need to be accountable to the health of livingthings around us

2.Poor waste disposal
Here we discussed the types of rubbish biodegradable and non-biodergradable, we broke it down further and talked about examples of these types of rubbish in households: biodegradables (clothes, peelings) and non-biodergradables(jerrycans, used tyres, tins).
We discussed how each of these could cause disease, (1) Biodegradables like peelings rot and in so doing attaract vectors like cockroaches, rats and flies each capable of carrying germs into and around the house hold affecting the humans, domestic animals kept like hens, goats and sheep kept around. (2) Non-biodergradables like bottles and jerrycans that normally make their way into drainage systems clogging up these trenches and causing flooding colection of stagnant water, the staganat water becomes habitats for mosquitoes, the anopheles mosquito that causes malaria (we also talked about how malaria is found everywhere because the country is endemic)

3.Alternative use of both biodegradable and non-biodergradable
I showed them other ways of recycling rubbish, reusing tins and plastic containers to store foods like beans, posho flour, sugar, cooking oil. They also suggested a few like turning old jerrycans with holes into water troughs for the animals they rare, one made mention of the fact that they had seen someone make charcoal balls from waste and they were selling them for money.
Our major point of discussion in this area was using both non-biodergradable and biodegradable wastes in urban farming.
We discussed using peels which are a daily generated waste to make composite pit to get manure for farming, I talked about the process of creating such a pit the different layers and the pattern to follow; from the bottom sticks and branches, shredded paper (completely drt paper that has been thrown out of the house), grass,straw, peelings, brown leaves.

We discussed using tyres, bottles and sacks to grow plants like 'obutungulu obuganda' small onions, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes for cooking ad selling. I discussed the needed watering system for such an issue (unfortunately was not given permission to enter the premises with the prepared example of urban farming tith a cut water bottle) so instead i described the use of a string carefully placed in circles as soil is added to ensure that when one waters the plants this water moves throughout the soil via this thread. I emphasized the importance of ensuring holes at the bottom of the container used and even on the sides to allow aearation.

About the Millennium Fellow

Anastacia Nabyonga loves challenges because she believes only when tested can we be inspired to search deep enough to find the strength we were given to overcome anything. She believes that together people are capable of achieving far more than they could ever imagine. She is an aspiring epidemiologist and as such, she has come to understand some of the world's greatest health challenges can be solved through teamwork. She is driven by the words of Helen Keller," Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

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