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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In 2021, over 25,000 young leaders on 2,000+ campuses across 153 nations applied to join the Class of 2021. 136 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 2,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2021 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.



Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University | Lucknow, India | Advancing SDG 13 & UNAI 9


" When we look at the world around us, there exists a large gap between people similarly situated. One main reason for the same, I feel, is a lack of discourse from the point of view of the people who are the primary suffers. The first step towards finding a solution to any problem is, thus, to place oneself in the most disadvantaged position and then look for an apt solution.
Statelessness has become a human rights crisis. Throughout the project, I intend to study the impact of statelessness and climate change from a gendered perspective.
The diverse nature of the Millennium Fellowship will allow me to work together with like-minded individuals in tackling interconnected issues of gender discrimination, climate change, and the social divide. Interacting with fellows from a vibrant and diverse network would help me learn about the experiences of people from different cultural diversity "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Sustainability and Human Rights: Looking Beyond Environmental and Climate Change Laws

Being passionate about the environment and sustainable development goals, we realized that the current state of environmental and climate change laws is not sufficient to help reverse climate change. A different approach with an interconnection of sustainability and commercial and economic laws is needed and reimagining ways in which States and corporate can be held liable for environmental damage and human rights violations. The project encompassed 3 sub-themes: Sustainability and Environmental Laws, Sustainability and Trade, and Commerce and Sustainability and Human Rights. Keeping this in mind, we initiated our first project on sustainability and commercial law in Africa which drew collaborations from the African Network of Young Leaders. The project got the opportunity for presentation as a partner event at the UN Youth Environment Assembly 2021. The project is also selected for presentation with the Italian Ministry’s project, All4Climate. We intend to organize a similar project, this time focussing on Small Island Developing States, focussing on Maldives, Singapore, Mauritius, and Kiribati including symposia or conferences on these sub-themes every month for students, scholars, academicians, and professionals. We have prepared a detailed report for each theme and will now issue it as a free MOOC available for all.

About the Millennium Fellow

Shreyasi Singh is currently an undergraduate at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University. She is devoted to causes that directly reflect upon the lives of individuals and is currently serving as a volunteer at Parichay, a Legal Aid Clinic for NRC appeals. She is an avid reader and is determined to work towards bringing and becoming a change. She intends to explore and delve deep into issues looming over the world from a feminist perspective and upgrade herself to the nuances of the law.

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