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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In 2021, over 25,000 young leaders on 2,000+ campuses across 153 nations applied to join the Class of 2021. 136 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 2,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2021 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.



Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology | Kochi, India | Advancing SDG 8 & UNAI 2


" Being a Millennium Fellow,gives me the opportunity to assess and improve my leadership qualities. I would like to make use of this opportunity to evolve into a better version of myself. I will try to implement my skills and reativity for the betterment of the society. I want to apply the knowledge of my experience for the underprivileged sections of my society who is unaware of the numerous opportunities awaiting them. An exposure to the world of new ideas will encourage them to think out of the shell and will prepare them to face the toughest competition. The right combination of knowledge and skill can carve out the best in a person. I will also try to help them discover their talents and to make them realise their true passion. One of the most important motive of my list would be to ensure that no people from this section face discrimination on the grounds of caste,religion,race etc. My second motive is to ensure that the people are not suffering from malnutrition by making arrangements for a healthy and balanced diet. Educate them about their rights,about their health etc. By becoming a Millennium Fellow, my ideas and my motives will get more recognition ,authenticity and power to fuel them up under any circumstances and hurdles. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: SOCIAL- Student Open Collaborative for Innovative Applications

Our project SOCIAL, aims at creating employers rather than employees; by motivating and providing a support system to students with innovative ideas to bring out and try out their ideas. We connect them to the right resources and expertise, thus creating an enabling environment for ideas and students to grow and develop. We aim to achieve this goal through a Product Pitch Competition with emphasis on products which solve problems faced by the society at large. SOCIAL is organized in association with RSET IEDC (Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre), which is an entrepreneurship club under the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM). KSUM is the central agency of the Government of Kerala for entrepreneurship development and incubation activities in Kerala, India. The SDG of our project SOCIAL is (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth & (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

About the Millennium Fellow

Febina C U is a first year student of Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology.She,is an aspiring student who has always used her skills to make people's life better. She follows an empathetic leadership style wherein she ensures that her vision of helping others and it's essence is conveyed to more and more people through her teammates . With her constant efforts and compassion,she strives to make a progress towards her goal, everyday,getting herself ready to face the challenges that she might encounter in her journey as a social worker and hence becoming a role model for her teammates as well.Her determination to strive through every hardships and achieve her goal has been evident through various stages of her life which includes being the girls captain of her school team and also becoming the member of the marketing team of the national level techno-euntrepreneurial fest called DEFINE organized by IEDC during the month of july 2021.Her dedication and hardwork towards the accomplishment of her goal of serving for the well-being of people has always been a motivation and inspiration for her friends.

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