United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022. 200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.
Eastern Technical University of Sierra Leone | Kenema, Sierra Leone | Advancing SDG 4 & UNAI 2
" PROPOSAL ON CHILD – FRIENDLY EDUCATION SIERA LEONE. THEME 4: Harnessing the potential of oceans for sustainable development and peace
Subtheme: The Ocean, small-island developing states (SIDS) and challenges for adaptation to climate change.
Youth are important in the climate change agenda. There is an urgent need to involve more children and youth to help address climate change and its effects.
As COP26 has made clear, climate change, and the protection of planet Earth for the survival and the future wee-being of all humanity and species, has increasingly become a global concern. All of us need to take greater individual and collective responsibility to protect and conserve our environment.
I believe that the development of policy and its implementation must involve in the current young generation as overseers of the future. We must recognize that when the environment we live in is destroyed, there’s no survival for future generations.
Currently, efforts undertaking by community- based organizations include creating environment crops for learners, age appropriate activities for learners in environmental conservation as well as eco-school/green school intervention with tree planting, waste management and distribution of environment –friendly tree seedlings to schools and surrounding communities.
With such interventions, school efforts are tailored towards providing learners with practical ways of learning about climate change and hands on approaches for conserving and protecting the environment. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Child Friendly Education (C.F.E.) Sierra Leone
The fundamental basic of accomplishing the rights of human in a democratic society could
be eminent to eradicate poverty, corruption, illiteracy, poor planning etc if children’s rights
are valued in diversity ways for equal and social justice. It is a strong believed that the initial
practice comprehending the basic truth of every rights is acquired from the needed skills in
learning to accumulate and passed on the changed experienced form on generation to
another in the name of prominent decisions, transparent validation and by achieving a
negotiable discussion. By conquering the initiatives of the child right convention (CRC)
approved by the international organizations, passed by law or policy and lunched in our
developing country Sierra Leone, is a philosophic studies and facts accepting a moral
To combat the ideas of child – friendly education and give adequate supports in through the
change of appropriate distinctive learning environment to enhance positive learning towards
rights sine it may not be enough concentrate upon knowledge and gathering of information
only but equality important to give children the requisite to developed practice necessary
skills as a defense for promotion own to help others rights. This is a supportive for children’s
rights which is absolutely unavoidable in our country ignorantly marginalizing bulky of child
rights art as a need to apply reinforcement through public sensitization, learning institutions
examples, preschools, primary levels, vocational centres etc, Sierra Leone is democratic which
constitution had spelt it dearly for the rights of children when their view can be exposed
openly, participation is encourage with fairness and justice. There are many primary schools
structured learning to offer assistance on how to focus on changing knowledge, skills and
attitudes of children. It is a cost-effective way of reaching children when searching wide
coverage for sustainability through the use of available infrastructure of the school system
itself. Schools are resources in communities which can create impart on the habits of tutors
and learners by allowing children to play a role of change agents in their families,
communities in relation to rights and many serve as a partner to propagation information.
In Sierra Leone we maintain democratic values such as respect, dignity and freedom of
many individual. Equality of opportunity, tolerance, responsibility and justice. As a country
affected by from a decade rebel war since 1991 – 2002, it will be setter for the reaffirmation
of child rights to cater for the past violence which is a cause confusion in Sierra Leoneans
minds either old or young has shattered our senses of value judgement and principles. Due to
the consideration for peace and tranquility, Sierra Leone is talking gradually positive roles in
improvement and reconstruction efforts towards rebuilding and slow advancement in
growth. Yet Sierra Leone is facing the challenges of human development in a peaceful
country. Among its tasks, the country is preparing its recent diverse for the young generations
to function effectively towards developing its future either regionally, nationally or globally
since peace prevail.
Geographically Sierra Leone is small country located on the west coast of Africa. The country
bordered by Guinea to the North and North East, Liberia to South and South East and the
Atlantic-Ocean to the West. It has a total area of 71, 740 km2 (27,699 miles) with the
population of 7. 813 since 2009 and a “of civil war and armed conflict in Sierra Leon has
devastated thousands of children since 1991-2001-2002. These children were exploited as
human shields and hard laborer’s among other roles, often losing family and any sense of
normalcy as they were robbed. Emerging out of 11 years’ war that has destroyed its economy
and its infrastructures. That country has embarked on the process of healing and
reconstruction in which the government, the private sector, non-governmental organizations
(N GO s) and individuals are playing part. Basic indicators like infant mortality rate and
primary school enrolment, which worsened considerably doing the war have come back at
pre-war levels. Despite a tangible revival of the national economics in Sierra Leone comparing
to the situation during the war, the sequels of this civil war are, unfortunately still perceptible
and the cost of living are still on the rise. Approximately 60% of Sierra Leoneans live below
the national poverty line. Remaining among rise world’s poorest nations ranking 180 out of
187 in the human development index, more than 60% of Sierra Leoneans live on less
than$1.25 a day
About the Millennium Fellow
My name is Kamara Mohamed, I was born on the 14th May, 1995 in Buedu Town Eastern province Sierra Leone west. I'm a graduate student in information and communication technology ICT, I am currently pursuing my second Bachelor degree in the in Education at Eastern Technical University of Sierra Leone. My passion is to serve my people in the local communities with innovative ideas, I'm currently working on two projects one is title: "Child friendly education (C.R.E) Education is one of the most important investments a country can make in its future. Child friendly education supports lower-income communities to ensure that every child receives a quality education.
Education is a powerful agent of change, and improves health and livelihoods, contributes to social stability and drives long-term economic growth. Education is also essential to the success of every one of the 17 sustainable development goals.
and two" Kissi Bendu girls and boys computer training centre Buedu.