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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



Harvard University | Massachusetts, United States | Advancing SDG 9 & UNAI 2


" At the heart of all the work that I do is a rigorous commitment to using out-of-the-box thinking, hard work, and unyielding persistence to achieve a positive vision for the world in which we live. The Millennium Fellowship will give me valuable skills and connect me with a cohort of like-minded peers that will enable me to more meaningfully grow my passions and more effectively serve those around me. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Emerging Technology Group

The Emerging Technology Group (ETG) is a nonprofit, student-run organization co-founded and previously led by Sarosh Nagar. Modeled off Google's X, ETG is a 'moonshot factory' — ETG teams leverage their skills in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and more to conduct probono research, write policy proposals, and design technical tools to solve real-world problems. Past projects ETG teams have tackled include analyzing adversarial attacks against large language models (LLMs), use cases for resurrection biology techniques, the use of AI in peacebuilding, and more.

In recognition of their work, ETG teams have been invited to present to the White House and have been featured by the United Nations. ETG has also worked actively to implement its ideas either directly or through partnerships, collaborations, and advocacy with more than 10 public-sector actors, NGOs, and firms across 5 continents, including IBM, Schmidt Futures, and Gingko Bioworks. ETG also provides free technology education curricula and professional development services, which have reached over 3,200 students worldwide.

About the Millennium Fellow

Sarosh Nagar is a researcher at Harvard & UCL studying the effects of frontier technologies like AI and synthetic biology. He is also a Marshall Scholar intending to study topics related to AI and innovation at University College London and the University of Oxford. He graduated from Harvard College summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, completing his undergraduate degree in 2024.

Sarosh previously co-founded the Emerging Technology Group (ETG) as a Millennium Fellow, which researched topics like adversarial attacks on LLMs and resurrection biology. He grew ETG's 5-person team to an organization that received support from Schmidt Futures and launched 13 collaborations across 5 continents with entities like IBM and Gingko Bioworks. He is also a published researcher on emerging technologies with peer-reviewed papers in JAMA, the BMJ, and Nature Biotech, and work in The Hill, Newsweek, and The Diplomat.

For his work, Sarosh was invited to present to the White House and address the United Nations. He was also selected to write two advisory briefs on AI and synthetic biology for global ministers at the United Nations, was a named contributor to a United Nations report on digital transformation, and presented his research to offices in the U.S. Congress. His work has been cited in 3 U.S. House and Senate hearings, by experts from the World Bank, OECD, and in consultations over a new treaty. His work has also been featured 120+ times in news outlets like The Washington Post, NBC, and more.

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