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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong, China | Advancing SDG 16 & UNAI 8


" The Millennium Fellowship Programme is a golden opportunity to let the youth to actualise their ideas, gain hands-on experience and contribute to the SDGs. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Delegates Daily

Aim: raise local public awareness and advocate for peace
Things we want to do:
- Ukraine and Myanmar military news compilation website
- through IG, FB, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, emails newsletter

Our goal is to raise local public awareness and advocate for peace. We feel like local Hong Kong people are somewhat reluctant and unwilling to learn foreign and international news. We feel like they are either apolitical or only care about local news. However, Hong Kong is a well-developed city and many people will be able to help those people in need if they have the drive to. For example, nearly 10% of the total adult population in Hong Kong are millionaires. Imagine, if all of them have the passion to help the displaced or injured children and people, they can make the world a much better place, such as by donating to charity funds. Besides, even for those Hongkongers who are relatively less affluent, they can still make a change through small donations or other creative actions. Therefore, we are determined that the first step of making all these happen is to pique their curiosity and interest in international news.
To achieve SDG 16 and to increase this project’s feasibility, we want to focus our news on international relations, peace, wars, and conflicts, which are topics that Hongkongers seldom pay attention to. Then, to make it more convenient and easy for them to read, we will sort the topics into different categories, such as according to country/ region etc. Since we hope that not only the society elites and well-educated people will care about these topics, but also the society grassroots, thus we wish to only use Cantonese dialect as the language. This can cater to the grassroots’ whose English might be proficient. We think that these people actually have very limited news sources. Because most foreign news are written in English, so these people will never know about them. Besides, using the Cantonese dialect can make it sound more familiar to the local Hongkongers, and make them feel more comfortable and less repelled to read the news, thus attracting a greater number of readers. To ensure that they can receive the most accurate and trustable news, we want to base our research on reputable sources, such as big news outlets like New York Times as well as official posts made by government officials and other authorities.
Additionally, we want to make our website and design reader-friendly, we hope to research on existing news newsletters, e.g. Morning Brew, Bloomberg’s Evening Briefing newsletter, Buzzfeed Newsnincoming, Newsweek, Fast company Compass…

About the Millennium Fellow

Khaw Chin Pok is a promising, talented and proactive student majoring in Global Health and Development at the University of Hong Kong. Born and raised in the metropolitan of Hong Kong, he has exposure to a diverse culture, making him truly a global citizen. Having witnessed the deep-rooted inequality in Hong Kong, he has long been passionate about social justice and the rights of minorities. This ambition drove him to engage in multitudinous organisations to work on hands-on community projects, as well as taking various leadership roles, both throughout his secondary school and university years. In the future, Chin Pok aspires to specialise in Sociology and develop a career in NGO or government to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

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