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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong, China | Advancing SDG 3 & UNAI 2


" I am really thankful and thrilled because I see this as a chance to finally be able to provide something meaningful to society. Since our world has become very digital, there has been a lot of cases of Data and Privacy breach. This can be very dangerous and needs to be seriously handled. I personally believe through the support of my Fellow Millennium Fellows, we can live in a world where digital crime is minimal and everyone can live without worry of their privacy being breached. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Know Your Footprint

Ideally, we would like to work with the Education Ministries all around the world to make this subject compulsory for students to learn at school. However, we might not have enough power nor resources to convince the Education Ministry restructure their formal education curricula, especially now with everything going on in the world. So, we shall start small by uploading series of videos about this concern to the internet which targets the parents of these children. We can use any free video uploading platform for this. Youtube seems to be one of the best platform that we can start from, since it's free and the addition of YouTube Kids can be an advantage. Also, I believe that parent's nowadays are pretty knowledgable of the internet, at least I hope. From watching our videos, I hope that they can be aware of this problem and can convey this privacy concern to their children, so that they won't end up like many of us, getting our data looked into, or worse stolen of, off our sight. We can also target young audiences to make them protect their data by showing them the horror if they don't. But if they are considered too young, then their parents can be the ones to take care of their children's account. Also, it might be possible to show how hackers can get access to our data and from here we can device a solution to prohibit them from accessing it. Since schools are now online and if they are going to have face-to-face lessons again soon, I think we can just spread this digitally between the students, since they should be pretty familiar with everyday apps anyway, like Youtube or Instagram. This can let us spread the info between the young ones, like what we are aiming to do in the first place.
There may be simpler ways that I haven't think of just yet. But if you have any ideas, I'll gladly listen to it. I'll also be sharing to you some of the results of my brainstorming, of course.

About the Millennium Fellow

Rhenald Louwos is a passionate young man. He was born in Indonesia, and is now pursuing an Actuarial Science degree at the University of Hong Kong. Rhenald is always willing to experience new things, all for the sake of knowledge and experience. He hopes that he will someday be able to provide society with something meaningful. While studying Actuarial Science, Rhenald also has deep interests in the area of Data Science. He believes that now is the perfect time to take meaningful actions to handle Data and Privacy problems in society.

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