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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



Kathmandu University | Dhulikhel, Nepal | Advancing SDG 16 & UNAI 8


" Being a Millennium Fellow will give an identity to me as well as to the work that I am doing. This is important because working under such an organization will make it easier for me to be recognized by the public.
Peace, justice, and strong institutions are pivotal prerequisites that will aid the sustainabe development process in my country. There is an evident lack of legal literacy within Nepal. This has led to the citizens, especially in the rural areas, being exploited, and prevented from getting justice through law. There is a term: Where there is a right, there is a remedy. But how can this be possible when the people do not even realize what their rights are?

I have thrived to spread legal literacy just so Nepalese citizens can realize the potential they hold as citizens of the nation. To establish accountability of the government. To accelerate the development process Nepal is direly striving to achieve. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: The Nyaya Nepal Project

This project aims at developing the 16th SDG: Peace, justice, and strong institutions within Nepal. There is an evident lack of legal literacy within Nepal. This has led to the citizens, especially in the rural areas, being exploited, and prevented from getting justice through law. There is a term: Where there is a right, there is a remedy. But how can this be possible when the people do not even realize what their rights are?

'Nyaya' means justice in Nepali. The Nyaya Nepal Project is a legal literacy program. It aims at educating people about the rights they are entitled to hold, and the remedies they can resort to if such rights are violated. This program aims to educate people regarding both substantive as well as procedural law. It covers literacy in the areas of constitutional, civil, and criminal law(substantive law). It also covers what to do, where to go, and how to conduct the process in the case that their rights have been violated(procedural law).

The main objective of this project is to make the people realize that there are certain rights that they as citizens as well as humans are entitles to hold. Therefore, educating these people regarding the same leads to them being capable of exercising such rights. This helps establish government accountability, which is crucial for Nepal, in order for it to develop sustainably. It makes sure that its institutions are reliable, and strong. This also helps the development of the citizens themselves. People develop when their rights are respected and promoted. In the case that this has not been fulfilled, they should be compensated, so they can continue in their path of development. The Nyaya Nepal Project aims at developing the state of the Nepalese people through legal literacy.

The team goes to rural parts of Nepal, and they conduct education programs. Notices are provided five days prior to the program through the local ward committee/ village municipality. The members of the rural community who have shown interest are then educated through lectures. While the lecture is going on, we use tools such as white boards, charts, and projectors, in order to visually engross our audience. The conduct is just like that of a classroom: we strive to capture the attention of our audience in order to deliver information, while maintaining active participation.

However, while the predominant group that we are aiming to reach is the rural community, considering they are the most vulnerable to issues of legal literacy, we also want to make sure that every person is legally literate within the nation. Therefore, we aim to establish social media platforms where we constantly share information about the rights people hold. We will answer/assist any queries regarding anything related to legal justice.

About the Millennium Fellow

Alsha Regmi is a Nepalese law student at the Kathmandu University. Her interests circulate around ameliorating the global justice system by making legal education widely accessible and equitable. For this, she has participated in legal literacy initiatives where she has travelled across rural regions of Nepal where she has been able to cultivate notions of nation-building and capacity-developing amongt the citizens. Through her rigor, she intends to fulfill the sixteenth SDG of peace, justice, and strong institutions within her country.

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