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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



National University of Sciences & Technology | Islamabad, Pakistan | Advancing SDG 1 & UNAI 1


" Passion, emotions and selfless efforts to serve humanity have driven my life and all the efforts in it to advocate for causes to make this world a better place. Being a Millennium Fellow will aid in the proper channeling of these emotions and efforts to serve for the cause of humanity, guiding my faculties to realize a better social impact. I am looking forward to be a part of this global revolution and movement for promoting advocacies aligned with the United Nations' SGDs. I hope to prove myself a link to this chain of United Nations' efforts to make this world truly prosperous, peaceful and united. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: The Smiling Child

This project revolves around helping the children grow and SMILE. Creating an NGO serving as a pathway between people who need help and people who want to help.
I want to address the philanthropic and sensitive side of people by starting a social media campaign by posting pics/ videos of children receiving what they need, smiling; this all to motivate people to realize what joy their little help can bring to people. (Be it anything, monetary or educational etc...)
This whole project was inspired by a child I saw in cold winter, wearing a miss fit jacket sitting besides a fire, just smiling looking at me...

About the Millennium Fellow

Adil Ali Tariq is a creative individual accompanied by a soul striving to make a change. He is currently a highly competitive student of electrical engineering in National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. Born in Lahore, and brought up in Islamabad, he witnessed the differences in classes that exist in this world. Adil, since his childhood, felt the differences that exist between various segments of youth in Pakistan. The desire to promote education and equal rights was always a part of his soul. However, the drive to help the children and youth belonging to humble backgrounds was further boosted by an incident. This incident was witnessing a child with a trash bag, wearing a miss fit jacket in cold temperatures, sitting besides a fire in the middle of nowhere, smiling. The zeal to eradicate poverty and child labor, and promote equal opportunities of education has been his aim since then. This urge of compassion animated itself by several philanthropic projects organized by him at his community level. But the impulse of serving the world has made him proceed with this cause to an international scale, with the sole aim of making this world truly equal and united. Adil aspires to start a movement on a global scale to eradicate child labor and promote equal opportunities of education for all despite the differences in class, color, creed; motivating the stakeholders of the world to advocate the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals to make this world a better place for everyone.

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