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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



Symbiosis International (Deemed University) Pune | Pune, India | Advancing SDG 5 & UNAI 3


" Passion for change, diversity and inclusion epitomize every facet of the issues I work for. For a student like me, who stands at the starting point of her career and aspires to make a difference someday, the Millennium Fellowship plays a pivotal role. I envision a world with inclusivity, humility, responsibility and empathy, and this Fellowship would bring me another step closer to my goal. Being a Millennium Fellow is no less than a privelege for me and I am incredibly excited to work alongside other phenomenal Fellows who share a similar passion for collaboration and change. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Project Saath

Project Saath can be viewed as an attempt to kickstart the process of integration of the LGBTQ+ community into mainstream society by steadily overcoming the disparities between the two communities at a local level. It aims to advance SDG 5 (gender equality) and also cater to SDG 3 (Good Health and well being), SDG 4 (Quality Education) along with UNAI 1(Addressing Poverty) and UNAI 3 (Education for all) with respect to the children and adults of the LGBTQ+ community residing in the areas in the vicinity of the Symbiosis college campus in Pune. This project aims to impact the lives of 150+ members of this community.

The first phase of this project focuses on forming a well-connected self-help group of children and adults from the LGBTQ+ community across all age groups and organizing them in a systematic manner. The second phase of this project involves providing access to basic education as it is the first step towards inclusion in the society. It includes constructive learning and experiential sessions to boost child and adult literacy by teaching them basic math skills, language skills, and essential life skills either during evenings on weekdays or on the weekends. This would equip them with basic skills to carry out tasks in their everyday lives. Moreover, free study and reading material would be shared through WhatsApp groups in the form of picture books or YouTube videos. Physical handouts would be given to those with no internet access.

The third and the final phase of the project is about imparting basic health and hygiene skills to the community. This is particularly necessary in the ongoing pandemic situation. Mental health sessions would be organized on a monthly basis during the fellowship for these members to discuss their mental well-being and related issues with allies in a stigma-free environment. These allies could be student volunteers who understand the local manifestations of the problem. Moreover, the adults of the community would be made well aware of their legal, political, and human rights by conducting webinars and workshops from time to time.

Project Saath envisions an India where the LGBTQ+ community is at par with the other sections of the society . Even after the fellowship, this project will continue to work around formulating strategies and mobilizing resources so that the program reaches the masses and dismantles and discards all taboos.

About the Millennium Fellow

Shloka is an ambitious, passionate and determined individual studying Business Administration and French. Currently a senior at Symbiosis International University, she is committed to advocating for underrepresented communities by uplifling diverse voices for social, economic and environmental justice. Recognizing the privelege she is born with, she feels driven towards making a positive difference by bridging opportunity gaps for the marginalized.
In the long term, Shloka seeks to blend her passion for entrepreneurship and public policy to drive social impact. She looks forward to embark on the journey of social change through the Fellowship.

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