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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



Sciences Po Menton | Menton, France | Advancing SDG 4 & UNAI 3


" Nothing drives me more than witnessing injustice. The opportunity to fight injustice through our Fellowship project makes me even more passionate for change and made me realise that I want to go beyond the point I am. I want to enhance my leadership skills and learn how to have an even bigger impact. Coming from a very privileged family, being in touch with individuals who experience injustice each and every day keeps me in check with reality. The fight against this injustice through our Fellowship project made me realize anything is possible when you have the necessary power and skills. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Tabadol

In Febuary 2022, one of our members reached out to the ISNAD Community Center in Palestine because they wanted to establish an intercultural language exchange between students at Sciences Po Menton and the community center. The plan for this language exchange was that it would be via zoom and lead to a mutual amelioration of individual language skills. Since most Palestinian children are usually obliged to stay in their cities and are in need of international connections, Raed Eshnaiwer (founder of the center) proposed that on top of arranging language coaching, we should arrange monthly debates and discussions.
At SciencesPo, students are enabled to learn Arabic as part of their studies. Our project aims to link these people with students in Palestine to enable a 1-1 tutering session through which both parties will greatly improve their language skills. In addition to that, in some cases, the exchange will not necessarily be in English and Arabic but also in Spanish, German, Persian, Turkish, Japanese, Russian, Kurdish etc. These meetings will take place once a week via zoom. The debates and discussions will allow for cultural exchange (we are aiming to have the first one take place within the next three weeks.)
The recruitment process of SciencesPo students has been completed and the administration of the campus informed on the initiative, which we will advertise to engage more students from our campus. The only thing left for us to do now is wait for Professor Eshnaiwer's list of Palestinian students.
We also want to establish a partnership with the community center and MEDMUN, which is the Mediterranean regions' biggest Model United Nation conference. This will lead to even more intercultural interactions and exchanges of ideas. The partnership will include the teaching of MUN ways which will allow the students to obtain significant experience in diplomacy and international relations.

About the Millennium Fellow

Lilith Springer is a young student at the Institut des Études Politiques Paris at the regional Campus in Menton. Born and raised in a small town in Austria, she has always shown great interest in the world beyond the homogeneous micro cosmos she was used to. Choosing to study at an international school from a very young age was the first step of what she hopes to be her future career in international politics. She has always been especially interested in international relations and specialized in international humanitarian law in her Austrian graduation research paper. Having done a large amount of social work in the fields of women's, children's and refugee's rights has enabled her to stay in touch with reality. These experiences drove her to work hard, aspiring to one day change the structures that allow for human rights violations in the first place.

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