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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



Stella Maris College | Chennai, India | Advancing SDG 10 & UNAI 7


" As a person who truly believes that everyone has a purpose in life and that purpose being social work for myself, I am extremely grateful for this once in a lifetime opportunity. I am very excited to not only be a part of this Fellowship but also learn from other Fellows and become aware of their causes of interest. I wish to highlight my cause in the sessions and talk about the issues faced by internally displaced persons and find solutions to overcome the problem. I will contribute immensely to this Fellowship and make sure that I make the best use of this opportunity. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Sanctuary

Our project titled ‘Sanctuary’ aims at creating a forum and a safe space amongst the students of our college. The project is based on SDG 10, ‘Reduced Inequalities’ and the 7th UNAI principle, ‘Intercultural dialogue’. Its main objective is to create a space where student can express their concerns about the impact of societal issues on them. More than just a place of discussion, we hope to get in touch with mental health professionals and NGOs so that we can connect people in need of such services.
SDG 10:
'Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination'
UNAI #7:
'A commitment to promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding, and the unlearning of intolerance, through education'
The project aims to be a multi-purpose forum and a safe space for women in our college community to express themselves without the fear of judgement. Sanctuary will also help share information and encourage healthy discussions on various intersectional themes such as colourism in India, menstruation taboos and more, culminating in the path to gender equality. Additionally, Sanctuary will augment the discussion forum with social media exploring experiences, as well as devising additional targets to accomplish the goal of gender equality. While Sanctuary has synthesized as a conversation starter, it aims to evolve into a sound solution of appreciable value.
A tentative plan for the project would consist of:
- Creation of a social media page to create a digital space that would improve the scope of the project.
- Generating social media posts, and creating a digital forum through platforms like Discord to ensure that more people can benefit from the project.
- Since it is not just about sharing experiences but also about creating a safe space, ensuring that people who require professional help get it.
- Reaching out to mental health professionals and NGOs
The project will make us confront the probing questions in our minds and hearts and eventually lead to drawing up plans or solutions to problems we encounter.

About the Millennium Fellow

Lamiya Ummayu is a young, enthusiastic and sharp student, pursuing her degree in Bachelor of Commerce, specialising in Accounting and Finance from Stella Maris College. She resides in Chennai, India. She has always been passionate about anything and everything that includes the welfare of the society and is determined to contribute for its betterment. Through this Fellowship, she aims to promote the rights of Internally Displaced Persons and make sure that this issue is widely discussed. She has taken part in several Model United Nations and is an active part of her college club, ‘ UNICEF On Campus’. She is thrilled to be one of the Fellows and can’t wait to contribute to this year’s Millennium Fellowship.

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