United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022. 200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.
University of Delhi North Campus | Delhi, India | Advancing SDG 4 & UNAI 3
" I am very excited for becoming a Millennium Fellow because this is my one of dream and I'm achieving that dream . Also this Fellowship teaches me so many things for betterment of my project. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Prabudh - A Worthy Purpose
Prabudh- A worthy purpose is an initiative taken to spread awareness on the various social issues prevalent in our society. We at Parbudh aim to make the difficulties faced by people of different age groups, gender or basically people in any path of life to be acknowledged and remedied. We conduct routinely workshops to address the various social issues and we also make extensive use of our social media platforms for online activism. Problems like depression among youth, gender inequalities, substance abuse and so on can be tackled if we all come together to inform and educate the masses on these social evils. As it is said that, “there's no use talking about the problem unless you talk about the solution”, we believe that as a team of dedicated and spirited individuals, we can certainly bring about a great change in helping others live their
lives peacefully and also have a sense of well-being.
Prabudh as an organisation provides room for diverse opinions on approach and methodology to challenge the social issues and everyone’s point of view is appreciated and welcomed. We have a well equipped research and ideation team to help us dig deep into the causes of these problems and to search for any new problems being faced in the modern world. Prabudh has driven individuals willing to contribute in things they are passionate about and to aid us in growing as an organisation. We wish
to create a socially healthy society where every individual is respected, gets an equal chance at life and is not suffering from any uneasiness or stress due to social causes. Having to-the-point, creative and well organised workshops on such issues are all efforts to get larger audiences involved. We are present on wide-ranging social media apps so that the message gets across as many people as possible. We are optimistic for a better future and we hope that so are you!
About the Millennium Fellow
I am Payal Sharma Economics student in University of Delhi ' India. I am from Haryana state. As I'm a economics student so I know if we don't use resources properly then the country economy will face so much consequences and problems but if we doing this properly with great policies and with good decision then we can achieve and make India as a Developed country so , as a youth of my country. I am trying to do certain things for mental piece because day by day our life becoming hactic and this hactic life will make life difficult. Persons are doing suicides so we have to work upon this issue that's why I opened my organization that is called Prabudh - A worthy Purpose.