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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



University of Nigeria Enugu | Enugu, Nigeria | Advancing SDG 6 & UNAI 9


" Passion and drive are good attributes of a great mind but without the right system or Fellowship with similar mindset and experience, such mind tend to become less creative ,begins to find task futile and unyielding and ends up losing that passion.
I believe that being a Millennium Fellow will help in providing a system, the guide and skills i need in leadership roles and also in actualizing my passion on the need of a clean environment devoid of waste products and clean water system. A society that cleans up together stays
healthy together and live long. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: ENVIROSAFE

ENVIROSAFE is an initiative or what I would like to call a social movement aimed at promoting environmental safety and health through proper waste management solutions. The problem of waste management and indiscrimate disposal of municipal waste has been and is still one of the major environmental problem that developing countries face in world and as Nigeria been one of the most populous country in africa, this problem causes great concern for human health, water,air and land pollutuons.Our environment faces several problems, and many of these seem to be worsening with time, bringing us into a time of a true environmental crisis. So it therefore became of utmost important to raise awareness of the existence of this issues ,its adverse effects and what solutions can be proferred to curb waste pollutions and reduce its negative effects through ENVIROSAFE project. ENVIROSAFE purpose is not just to create awareness of improper waste management, and its deleterious effect on the environment but to also promote one on one practical people center interaction because it is only through collective effort of the people can any solution be achieved. This project will make impart by organizing community rally,sanitation days and online advocacy awareness program.

About the Millennium Fellow

Amaka perpetual muoneke is an intelligent,diligent and a young hard-working lady. A medical laboratory science undergraduate student of the UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA,ENUGU. She was born and raised in Lagos State,Nigeria and currently studying in Enugu state,Nigeria.
Amaka has always being an advocate of good health ,which resulted in the passion and drive to create awareness about the importance of clean water, proper waste management and sanitation ,which are crucial factors to the good health of every society.
As a young lady she has watched how improper waste disposal and management has lead to various havoc on her society causing various health hazard around states . This motivated her to participate and volunteer in various organizations/ projects that advocate movement on clean water , healthy environment and sanitation while participating in clean ups. She plans to continue in the future because as she always say " an healthy environment breeds happy and healthy people ". Her dedication in tasks has always earn her praises among her peers .Amaka aspire to be in the medical field as a professional where she can contribute immensely to the good health and well being of others while playing an important role in contributing to
the development of United Nations sustainable goals.

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