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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. 44,000+ student leaders from 3,300+ campuses across 170+ nations applied to join the Class of 2023. 260+ campuses worldwide (just 9%) in 38 countries were selected to host 4,000+ Millennium Fellows for the Class of 2023.



Deree The American College of Greece | Athens, Greece | Advancing SDG 3 & UNAI 6


Millennium Fellowship Project: Examining the Greek Healthcare System: Exposing Inequalities and Pressing for Reform

Examining the Greek Healthcare System: Exposing Inequalities and Pressing for Reform

Debate over the Greek healthcare system has persisted for a long time. Some obstacles are defined by a deficiency of resources as well as a deficiency of services. This study aims to clarify these matters by utilizing information from Greek students enrolled in both public and private universities.


Students from a public university and a private institution were interviewed in confidence to learn about their financial circumstances, family insurance coverage, and experiences using the healthcare system. A public hospital nurse also offered insightful commentary on the difficulties encountered by medical workers. Although research is still in progress, this article offers preliminary findings and insights. It is worth noting that in Greece, students rely heavily on their families' insurance for health care coverage.

Results from Public Universities

A sizeable fraction of this group do not have private insurance, which restricts their access to public hospital treatments. Some people receive some coverage from their jobs, but it is typically insufficient to meet their fundamental requirements. Furthermore, a majority of people (approximately 50%) have reported instances in which hospital conditions have endangered family members, indicating a general worry about the quality of healthcare facilities. The majority of my classmates have been impacted by the lengthy wait times at the emergency room and the staffing shortage.

Results from the American College of Greece

With so many kids in this category being uninformed about healthcare concerns, there is a stark disparity. Some people have access to private hospitals and doctors because they have private healthcare. There is still a noticeable knowledge gap, though, and the majority said they don't often visit hospitals instead of referring patients to their physicians. But some of my fellow students work to pay for their degrees, and their employment insures them. They've become more perceptive.

A public hospital nurse's interview

A public hospital nurse offers a greater comprehension of the system's issues. Patient endangerment and healthcare worker burnout are caused by underpayment, overtime, overcrowding, and shortages of doctors.


There are many different obstacles facing the Greek health system, which is meant to be funded by taxes paid by the populace. Because of structural problems in public health care, those without private insurance frequently receive subpar care. Insufficient coverage by the media and a discernible shift towards commercialization give rise to apprehensions over the durability and availability of medical services.

Future Plans

When the University of Athens grants permission to distribute the questionnaires, the study team hopes to broaden its purview. For this research, cooperation with a professor is still happening. Further information will be gathered to enhance the study's depth after receiving permission.


This study project offers a critical analysis of the Greek healthcare system, pointing out inconsistencies and recommending structural changes. One important finding was that students who come from wealthy homes are more likely to have private health insurance. This appears to establish a hierarchy of human existence according to wealth. Given that health is a core human right, the need for universal health rights is highlighted as being vital. As the research advances, the goal is to foster significant influence by working with academic and local media outlets, encouraging discussion on constructive adjustments and improvements to the Greek healthcare system. International bodies like the UN ought to have a more active role in controlling the actual circumstances in each nation and helping to solve the problem. The European Union is also responsible. Greece is a Western European country whose economic indicators show growth. The people's rights to health must be fought for and this is mainly the responsibility of the state structures as well as the international bodies. Despite this, the people themselves must not stop demanding their rights.

About the Millennium Fellow

Despoina Chatzakou is a philosophy of science and international relations student at the American College of Greece. After living in France for two years, she returned to Athens and decided to use her undergraduate studies in philosophy with the goal of following a career in political theory and political science. Her primary concern about the world is inequality and the unfairness that it brings. She feels that people must become conscious of their situation and demand their rights. Despoina believes that by educating ourselves and contributing to the education of others, we can promote a more just and sustainable world.

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