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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. 44,000+ student leaders from 3,300+ campuses across 170+ nations applied to join the Class of 2023. 260+ campuses worldwide (just 9%) in 38 countries were selected to host 4,000+ Millennium Fellows for the Class of 2023.



University of Bamenda | Bamenda, Cameroon | Advancing SDG 3 & UNAI 2


Millennium Fellowship Project: THE MEDICINE SHOULD BE PRESCRIBED (T.M.S.P)

The Medicine Should Be Prescribed (T.M.S.P) is a compelling and impactful millennium fellowship project spearheaded by Pechiambaih Wardious, a dedicated member of the Fanji Medical Minds association. Recognizing the alarming prevalence of automedication and its detrimental consequences among the population of his village Bafanji, Pechiambaih embarked on a mission to educate and empower the community on the importance of proper medication practices.

With a vision to bring about positive change and improve the healthcare outcomes of Bafanji village, Pechiambaih's project aimed at raising awareness about the risks and potential dangers associated with automedication. By addressing this critical issue head-on, he sought to equip the community with the necessary knowledge and tools to make informed decisions regarding their health.

Pechiambaih's journey as a Millennium Fellow began in August 2023, when he was admitted into this prestigious program. Fueled by his passion for healthcare and a deep sense of responsibility towards the well-being of community Bafanji, he immediately set to work on developing and implementing his project.

Integrating his initiative with the 2023 health fair organized by the Fanji Medical Minds association in Bafanji, Pechiambaih leveraged this platform to maximize the reach and impact of his project. Over the course of five days, alongside other dedicated members of the association, he conducted comprehensive health education sessions specifically focused on automedication and its consequences.

Through these interactive sessions, Pechiambaih and his team engaged directly with the community, providing them with valuable insights into the potential risks associated with self-medication practices. They emphasized the importance of seeking professional medical advice, proper diagnoses, and prescriptions from qualified healthcare practitioners. Additionally, they highlighted the potential dangers of incorrect dosages, adverse drug interactions, and the potential for delayed or improper treatment.

Pechiambaih's project went beyond simply highlighting the risks of automedication. He also aimed to empower the community by sharing information on alternative healthcare resources available to them, such as local clinics, pharmacies, and trained healthcare professionals. By fostering a sense of trust and encouraging open communication, Pechiambaih and his team hoped to create a supportive environment where community members felt comfortable seeking professional medical advice and adhering to prescribed treatments.

The Medicine Should Be Prescribed project leaves a lasting impact on the Bafanji village community. By actively engaging and educating the population on the potential dangers of automedication, Pechiambaih and his team empowered individuals to make informed decisions about their health. Through their efforts, they fostered a culture of responsible healthcare practices, ultimately improving the overall well-being and health outcomes of the community.

About the Millennium Fellow

Pechiambaih Wardious is a medical student in the university of Bamenda. He is passionate about medicine and leadership and finds so much pleasure in creating impact in his community. He is a member of some associations notably Fanji Student Cultural Association (FASCA), and Fanji Medical Minds (FMM) where he serves as the president of the former and the assistant secretary general of the latter. He volunteers in these two associations in projects that aimed at creating impact in the lives of people in his community.
He is open minded, very teachable and understands new concepts quickly.

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