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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. 44,000+ student leaders from 3,300+ campuses across 170+ nations applied to join the Class of 2023. 260+ campuses worldwide (just 9%) in 38 countries were selected to host 4,000+ Millennium Fellows for the Class of 2023.



University of Buea | Buea, Cameroon | Advancing SDG 4 & UNAI 9


Millennium Fellowship Project: Sustainable Buea: Empowering Youths to Achieve the SDGs

Today, more than half the population on the planet is made of young people under the age of 30. Through their creativity and energy , young people can bring about generational change, which can challenge the status quo and achieve positive outcomes rapidly. As such, the lifestyles (values, behaviours, attitudes, mindset) and capabilities (knowledge and skills) of this generation will come to define the world tomorrow .

The SDGs are a universal agenda for “Transforming our world.” To achieve this transformation, there must be a rethink on the approaches of the era that left youths out of the process.
Recognizing the need to partner with youths,educating them provides a faster progress rate at achieving the 17 SDG target.
Sadly a lot of young people in many communities know nothing about sustainable development , it's importance or the SDGs and so the progress of developing a sustainable world where the future generations needs are not compromised is greatly hindered. As it stands many do not know the importance or see the need to engage in developing a sustainable future simply because they either do not know anything about it, or they have not been educated or informed properly about the world they live in or because, they have not been empowered to do so.

The Aim of this project is to "Educate young people about the SDGs and empower them to take active roles in achieving these global objectives within their community. This project focuses mainly on youths in the south west region of Cameroon-Buea

Key components of the project

Awareness Campaigns:
Most schools and universities in our community don't really teach students about the UN SDGs.
1 out of 10 students, young people sampled in my community know about sustainable development and the SDGs. They are only mentioned in some subjects and learners don't pay any attention to them, talk less of being interested in engaging with these goals.
Launching awareness campaigns with the use of social media, community events, and school outreaches will raise awareness about the SDGs and the importance of youth involvement in achieving them.
These campaigns are aimed at bringing youths together who want to take on active roles in impacting their community and mobilizing other youths to take part.
SDG Workshops and Education:
Organize workshops, seminars, and educational sessions to introduce local youths to the SDGs, explaining what each goal represents and its relevance to the community (Buea). Emphasize how small actions can contribute to achieving these goals.

Community Action Projects:
Encourage youth to identify specific SDGs that are most relevant to their community and develop community action projects aligned with these goals. For example, projects could focus on waste management and clean up campaigns,improving access to clean water, promoting sustainable agriculture, or enhancing education opportunities.

Youth Leadership and Skills Development:*
Provide leadership training and skill-building workshops, symposiums at colleges and universities to equip young people with the tools needed to lead and implement their SDG-related projects effectively.

Partnerships and Collaboration:
Collaborate with colleges, local schools, NGOs, businesses, and government agencies to leverage resources, knowledge, and support for SDG-related initiatives.

Monitoring and Evaluation:
Continuously assess the impact of the projects on the community and track progress toward achieving the selected SDGs. Share success stories and lessons learned to inspire and motivate other young people.

Expected Outcomes:
- Increased awareness and understanding of the SDGs among youths in local communities around in Buea.
- Youth-led projects that contribute to local sustainable development and address specific SDGs.
- Empowered and confident young leaders who actively participate in community initiatives.
- A sense of responsibility and global citizenship among Buea's youth, leading to a sustainable and prosperous future for the city and its inhabitants.

By educating and engaging youths in practical, hands-on projects, "Sustainable Buea: Empowering Youth to Achieve the SDGs" has the potential to make a significant positive impact on the community while fostering a generation of responsible and engaged global citizens.

About the Millennium Fellow

Mefire Fahtimatou Njoya is a student of the department of Medical Laboratory Sciences of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Buea. She is currently the Vice president of her student association. She is a dynamic and very hardworking young leader and her leadership can be traced from Nursery school to primary, secondary and high school. She is passionate about creating positive impact in her community; reason why she applied to be a Millennium Fellow.

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