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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. 44,000+ student leaders from 3,300+ campuses across 170+ nations applied to join the Class of 2023. 260+ campuses worldwide (just 9%) in 38 countries were selected to host 4,000+ Millennium Fellows for the Class of 2023.



Jamia Millia Islamia | New Delhi, India | Advancing SDG 4 & UNAI 5


Millennium Fellowship Project: Virtual Mentorship Programme

Shivam, a driven fourth-year law student at Jamia Millia Islamia's Faculty of Law, introduces his transformative project, the "Social Impact Tour - Virtual Mentorship Initiative." Recognizing the unique challenges faced by law students outside National Law Universities (NLUs), Shivam's initiative is a response to the perceived exclusivity of the legal profession. The project's genesis lies in Shivam's determination to convert these challenges into opportunities by creating a platform that goes beyond mere internship placements.

The Virtual Mentorship Initiative is a carefully designed program that not only addresses the internship gap but seeks to bridge the broader divide between students and opportunities. This virtual platform, envisioned by Shivam, serves as a user-friendly space where mentees can connect with experienced mentors, fostering idea exchange, and providing personalized guidance. What sets this initiative apart is its commitment to inclusivity, welcoming students from all backgrounds and universities into a community built on shared experiences and collective growth.

At its core, the initiative aims to dismantle the perceived exclusivity in the legal profession. Shivam envisions a level playing field where success is measured by talent and dedication rather than the institution of study. This Virtual Mentorship Initiative is not just about securing internships; it's about opening doors that were once closed and empowering students to pursue their legal aspirations with newfound confidence.

The impact of the Virtual Mentorship Initiative is best demonstrated through the upcoming Social Impact Tour. This tour will showcase success stories, illustrating tales of resilience, determination, and the transformative power of mentorship. It is not merely a presentation but a celebration of the collective efforts directed towards a more inclusive and empowering future in the legal profession.

Furthermore, Shivam attributes the success and development of his initiative to the leadership skills acquired through the Millennium Fellowship. This section of the tour will delve into how the Fellowship experience has directly influenced the shaping and implementation of the Virtual Mentorship Initiative, underscoring the value of experiential learning.

As the tour progresses, Shivam will also share specific instances where lessons learned during the Millennium Fellowship have been applied to enhance the effectiveness of the mentorship program. From fostering collaboration to embracing diversity, these lessons serve as the backbone of a project aimed at creating positive social change.

In addition to showcasing the initiative's impact and leveraging the lessons from the Millennium Fellowship, Shivam extends his insights and advice to fellow Millennium Fellows. This guidance encompasses navigating challenges, fostering collaboration, and making a meaningful impact within the Fellowship community. By sharing collective wisdom, the aim is to amplify the ripple effect of positive change within the Millennium Fellowship community.

In conclusion, the Social Impact Tour is an invitation to join Shivam on a virtual journey through the heart of the Virtual Mentorship Initiative. From the challenges faced by non-NLU students to the triumphs of those who have found support, this tour serves as a testament to the power of mentorship and community. Together, the tour envisions a legal landscape where opportunities are abundant, and success knows no boundaries – aligning with the collaborative, innovative, and impactful spirit of the Millennium Fellowship.

About the Millennium Fellow

Shivam Kumar is a fourth year law student at Jamia Millia Islamia. He is passionate about justice and fairness, and is committed to using his legal skills to make a positive impact on society. Shivam is also an active member of the legal community, and has interned at several law firms and think tanks. He is also a member of the law school's moot court committee, and has won several awards in national competitions.

Shivam is a hard worker and a dedicated student. He is also a creative thinker and a problem solver. By this, one day he will be able to make a difference in the world.

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