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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. 44,000+ student leaders from 3,300+ campuses across 170+ nations applied to join the Class of 2023. 260+ campuses worldwide (just 9%) in 38 countries were selected to host 4,000+ Millennium Fellows for the Class of 2023.



New York University Shanghai | Shanghai, China | Advancing SDG 11 & UNAI 9 | Emerging Technologist


Millennium Fellowship Project: JoyRehab - An Immersive Rehabilitation Training Experience Designed for A Girl with Cerebral Palsy

Have you encountered the pain of navigating your way on muddy roads with potholes full of water in heavy rains? Have you felt the anxiety of being called by the boss for a meeting while you are outside, and hurriedly looking for a quiet place? Have you experienced the frustration of discovering an authentic city walking route but being unable to find a map-based platform to share it? Let’s admit the truth: we still lack a medium that introduces to us the details of experiences on the road, enabling us to make better choices for our “on-the-road” experiences.

Product Introduction:
I believe that when we are on the road, we become most aware of those details on the road. Therefore, why not provide us with a platform that allows us to report these issues? Introducing “traveling together”, a platform that aims at improving users’ journey experience on the road by utilizing the real-time data contributed by the users.

When opening the platform, you can see the homepage which features an interactive map embedded with multiple icons of various sizes. These icons represent the walking journals contributed by other users, documenting their experiences on the road. The size of each icon depends on the level of attention the post has received. When you open a specific walking journal, you can not only view its content, but also engage in actions such as liking, commenting, subscribing, and more. Most importantly, you can provide feedback on whether the information this journal demonstrates is timely or not.

Want to report a situation yourself? No problem, just click on the “walking journal” icon at the bottom center of the main page. After doing this, you will choose whether you want to describe a specific location or a route. Next, you will select an icon on the map to represent the chosen location or route. Afterward, you will proceed to write about the situation. In this step, we provide you with the opportunity for multimedia embedding. In addition to text and images, you can also add audio, YouTube videos, and other media—whatever you believe suits your content creation!

After completing the writing, you will select tags for the journal. You can manually do this or delegate this work to an AI capable of identifying your journal content. You will choose tags based on both the designated audience and the theme. Similarly, there is a feedback mechanism—if you cannot find relevant audiences or themes, we encourage you to submit feedback to have the system add these categories. These tags, along with previously filled-in information such as date, weather, location, etc., will collectively become keywords when other users do journal indexing.

Once the tag selection is complete, the process of creating a walking journal concludes. The works you just created will automatically appear on the homepage and can be discovered and viewed by other users. Additionally, you will be rewarded with virtual currency. Similarly, providing the two types of feedback mentioned above also earns you virtual currencies. You can use these coins to redeem gifts, such as coupons, on the platform.

Product Mission, Vision, and Value:
This platform is developed to be community-based, operating on the principles of participatory innovation and crowd-sourcing for content creation. We promote inclusivity within the content on our platform - no matter what demographic groups you belong to, you can always find the content you are looking for on this platform, thereby enhancing your on-the-road experiences.

One of the reasons for achieving this is that the content is contributed by users who share similar characteristics with you. You will also benefit from the platform’s group-tagging and theme-tagging features: segmenting groups and themes will allow you to search for journals that closely align with your own situations, thereby obtaining the most effective assistance.

You will also receive the most real-time on-the-road data because these data are contributed by users in our community—information from situations they have just encountered and are written in their journals. We also look forward to you joining us to share what you have just encountered. At the same time, we encourage you to actively provide feedback to contribute to the ongoing updates of these data.

About the Millennium Fellow

Zeqi (Louis) Li is senior Interactive Media Arts and Social Science student at NYU Shanghai, in Shanghai, China. Louis is passionate about how individuals can use emerging technology to enhance people's (especially underprivileged people's) daily experience as well as to promote empathy and inclusivity in society. Through his project, he hopes to use the approach of emmerging technology to create an immersive rehabilitation experience for cerebral palsy patients

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