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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In the three months the application was open in 2020, 15,159 young leaders applied to join the Class of 2020 on 1,458 campuses across 135 nations.  80 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 1,000+ Millennium Fellows.  The Class of 2020 is bold, innovative, and inclusive. 



Pace University | New York, United States | Advancing SDG 4 & UNAI 9


" I am excited to be on board with the Millennium Fellowship program, because it awards me the opportunity to work with ambitious like-minded peers in solving the most pressing issues of the 21st century and beyond. Global temperatures have risen to almost 2 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the 20th century. This seemingly small amount of change has caused sea levels to rise 8 inches, widespread famines, droughts, and dead crops. Many regions now suffer from drastic seasonal changes, with long summers and no winters. Hundreds of millions of tons of glaciers have melted this year alone. The damage done in this century, if major lifestyle changes are not implemented by our global population___will become irreversible. Our planet may become uninhabitable for our future generations ahead. I believe in educating young people in sustainable living practices, and also making them aware of what lies ahead if we do not care for our planet. I hope to spread awareness that simple day-to-day changes make a difference. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: "Eco-nomize the Pace University Pleasantville Campus"

"Eco-nomize the Pace University Pleasantville Campus" is a student-run initiative designed to promote sustainable living practices, and to make the Pace University Pleasantville campus more eco-friendly.
It is imperative for young people to know the devastating impact of climate change in our society, and to learn from the mistakes of our parents and grandparents in ignoring critical threats that endanger the human race and its surrounding ecosystem. Our planet is special, and it is the only known celestial object in our universe to sustain life. It is home to 9 million unique species of plants and animals. With this exciting opportunity, necessary steps will be taken in reducing the campus carbon footprint.

After assessing the models of other eco-friendly campuses nationwide, a proposal will be drafted outlining the objectives and efforts needed in the coming months to achieve the end results. On-campus events and initiatives will be in conjunction with the project, in order to promote awareness of environmental issues. The aim is to promote green living both on-campus, as well as in the school's curriculum, hopefully introducing a new class on sustainability in the upcoming semester. Success will be measured by regular social media postings, as well as on-campus events, ranging from nature walks, movie screenings, and food tastings from local growers. Proceeds will be donated to non-profit organizations committed to promoting and implementing sustainability across the nation and the world. It is estimated that at least $3,000 in donations will be raised over the course of four months.

About the Millennium Fellow

Akhila Ramesh is a Marketing Student at the Pace University Lubin School of Business. She is passionate about social causes that affect current and future generations, and from a global citizen's standpoint intends to educate, advocate, and reach as many people as possible. Through her work, she hopes to transform the way we view our planet as well as interact with one another.

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