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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In 2021, over 25,000 young leaders on 2,000+ campuses across 153 nations applied to join the Class of 2021. 136 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 2,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2021 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.



University of Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania, United States | Advancing SDG 4 & UNAI 3


" Millennium Fellows are members of a constructive community that fosters an inclusive and inspirationally-driven space for individuals to promote social change. I am eager to join the ranks of such an altruistically-centered community of individuals seeking to promote the service of humanity. As an aspiring medical professional with an interest in global public policy, social justice and sustainability, I believe the program will provide me with new insight on how to adopt meaningful community and social initiatives to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through the fellowship, I can employ the resources and information acquired to aid in my journey to advance social causes in favor of equitable education access. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Project Athena

Project Athena is a community-based initiative focused on revitalizing library spaces for the purpose of STEAM education and digital literacy across underserved neighborhoods. The program is a dynamic effort working to advance progress in the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 focused on quality education by addressing educational disparities in technology availability. The initiative seeks to augment student dexterity with technology while promoting the values of STEAM to better equip students in navigating their academic and social lives. The project seeks to reanimate the use of library spaces for the purpose of modern day technology education in tandem with physical print resources. With remote learning posing new difficulties for students, the project works to offer access to helpful resources to students, especially those in Title I school districts. Financial barriers can pose a hindrance to academic advancement, especially when considering the expensive nature of tutoring and technological devices. This project strives to provide students and interested community members with these services free of charge. By reestablishing libraries as a source of knowledge through physical and digital print, Project Athena is fostering a physical space for collaboration and growth among community members in the name of educational advancement regardless of age, race or socioeconomic background. Its goal is to provide an inclusive space with free and accessible skill training, in accordance with the UN SDGs target 4.4 which aims to provide youth and adults with relevant skills for success in academic settings and beyond in professional spheres. While the campaign is centered on student education, all members of the community are free to attend hosted events. The project will host a number of events that include: computer coding classes, tutoring sessions, college preparation workshops, STEAM showcases and competitions for student projects and other miscellaneous community events.

About the Millennium Fellow

Safa Elzanfali is a second-year student at the University of Pennsylvania studying biology on a premedical track with a minor in medical sociology. As a low-income, first-generation college student, she is passionate about equitable education attainment and seeks to dismantle barriers obstructing education accessibility, specifically tackling affordability. She is an aspiring physician, interested in the intersection between global health and international law. Safa is an avid reader and in her free time she enjoys performing Middle Eastern violin music.

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