United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022. 200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati | Tirupati, India | Advancing SDG 13 & UNAI 1

" Not just being limited to the institution's checklist but to step out
to decision making and progressive thoughts. Rather than being recognised for cool slangs and short term recognitions, I would like to be part of movements which promise a better tomorrow. I believe United Nations sustainable development goals and it's organisation provides youth an opportunity in decision making and respect our ideas as individuals. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Project Lush
We, the members of Project Lush are students of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. We focus on SDG 13: climate action.
We aimed to develop a project which will help reduce the adversity of present-day weather climacteric and pollution. We also had the aim to motivate youth to take up similar projects that will help society. To achieve this goal we mainly focused on planting trees and taking awareness classes for school students.
We are planning on continuing the project so that our work can benefit more lives. We care about these issues as we are responsible citizens who are concerned about the future of this planet.
About the Millennium Fellow
Ashitha Nizar, is a girl with ideas and concepts of her own to create a change in the world. Currently residing in India, studying at Indian institute of science education and research, tirupati, she has been part of many social activities and movements for the upliftment of the poor from darkness to light. Her main concern has been the eradication of poverty and providing better health and education to the unprivileged. She has always tried to be the voice of the unspoken, and a support to unheard communities. In a country where a statue worth 2700 crore is built to revoke the patriotism, I strongly believe that my love for the country is waken up when I see my Fellow human beings have a three square meal and receive quality education just like I do. 2700 crores spent on a mere statue when on the other side children beg for food. It's time we take a leap from a very long list of remote goals to passionate dreams with set targets that require a kind of reckless optimism. And it's our duty that we make our next generation to be born into a better nation. I would like to be involved in closed rooms where decisions are made and not just limit myself into an institutions checklist. And being a part of United Nations sustainable development goals, I will contribute my holistic vision for the betterment of our world.