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For University Communications/Marketing Departments:

Announcing the Millennium Fellowship Class of 2024

The United Nations Academic Impact and MCN proudly present the Millennium Fellowship.  This semester-long program convenes, challenges, and celebrates student leadership for UN goals.  We are thrilled to share that 52,000+ student leaders from 6000+ campuses across 170+ nations applied to join the Class of 2024.  280+ campuses worldwide (just 5%) in 48 countries were selected to host 4,000+ Millennium Fellows this year. You can read the United Nations article on the Class of 2024 here.

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Important note (please read): Please refer to the program itself as the “Millennium Fellowship” and to the selected students as “Millennium Fellows.”  Please do not refer to the students as UN Millennium Fellows, UNAI Millennium Fellows, MCN Millennium Fellows, or other potential variations of the name of the program.  


Inviting Partnership: To begin, you can learn about the Millennium Fellowship with this Statement on Partnership available here.


Covering Millennium Fellows: The official announcement on the Millennium Fellowship Class of 2024 is here. 

To get in touch with Fellows, contact with the subject "Covering Fellows" and we can help make introductions. 


What Universities have to say: For context, you can read about the impact the Class of 2023 Millennium Fellows by viewing the impact report here. Hear from the Dean of Students at the University of Nairobi here on why he believes in the program.  You can also watch university leaders like Brac University Vice-Chancellor Vincent Chang here.


Share Words of Encouragement:



Announce the News: Numerous campuses with Millennium Fellows in the past announced the news.  Compelling articles have often spotlighted Millennium Fellows’ stories and initiatives and included a statement of support from the University’s President/Vice-Chancellor. Please see the following examples:​​​​​


University College London

UCL students achieve highest number of Millennium Fellows in Europe



Pace University

17 Pace students named to UN’s Millennium Fellowship with focus on clean water


Griffith University

Griffith selected to host 2023 UN Millennium Fellowship Class


Lebanese American University

A New Cohort of 43 LAUers Completes the Millennium Fellowship

Feel free to help share this news in your local school press. We find that this serves as great motivation for selected fellows as they begin their social impact work and communicates the school's commitment to support students in social impact.


Please send links to any press coverage/publications to so these can be included in the press section.  The official program hashtag is #millenniumfellowship.

(Note for social media posts: there are two n's in Millennium - noting to all our partners as it is often misspelled!).  Program hashtag is #millenniumfellowship


Please feel welcome to translate these posts into other languages and apologies that due to technical capacity, we are only able to provide this draft content in English at this time. 

(Insert an image included below or one of your own)

United Nations Academic Impact and MCN present #MillenniumFellowship to elevate undergraduate leadership for the Sustainable Development Goals. [Your name of institution] is one of 280+ worldwide selected to host Millennium Fellows this year.  See more:

To download the Millennium Fellowship logo, please click here

Select an image below:

Content from United Nations Academic Impact and MCN:

  • United Nations Academic Impact article about the Class of 2024 here.

  • United Nations Academic Impact article about the Class of 2023 here, tweet about Class of 2023 here.

  • United Nations Academic Impact article about the Class of 2021 here, Class of 2021 application announcement here.

  • United Nations Academic Impact spotlights three Millennium Fellowship Projects - article available in English, French, and Spanish.


Additional Content

  • UN Women tweets about #MillenniumFellowship here

  • Actor Terry Crews tweets about the program here

  • Actor Tony Goldwyn tweets about the program here

  • 8th UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message on Facebook here and YouTube here

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