United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In the three months the application was open in 2020, 15,159 young leaders applied to join the Class of 2020 on 1,458 campuses across 135 nations. 80 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 1,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2020 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.
Govt. Model Engineering College | Kochi, India | Advancing SDG 3 & UNAI 2
" I, being someone working on a dream project to help people with mental health struggles, found this Millennium Fellowship as an amazing source of motivation to turn this dream into a reality. With the support from the rest of my team and the network I gain through this fellowship. I hope to create a great impact in making the lives of the people, facing these struggles, much easier. Helping them overcome stigma and provide cheaper means of mental healthcare are my major goals to achieve during the course of this fellowship. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: LifeBoat
LifeBoat is a project that aims to help the overwhelming number of people in India who are affected by mental health issues, especially in the state of Kerala, and are unwilling or unable to seek professional help because of the stigma present in India society that discourages professional mental health care. People who do seek help often do so in total secrecy, and the difficulty of doing this is a another issue to be dealt with. LifeBoat helps people improve themselves by providing both free and paid services, from listening to calming ambient sound or music, to booking an appointment with a psychologist and seeking professional help entirely online in complete anonymity. The team will also try to create communities in local areas to act as self help groups for people who need friendship, and simply someone else to talk to. This has proven very helpful in other countries, but never attempted effectively in Indian localities.
The project goals include;
1. Complete the development and deploy the mobile application.
2. Creating a website to help people familiarize with the project and use the service if necessary.
3. Registration of a minimum of 16 mental health experts on the app.
4. Provision of service for a minimum of 100 users in the first month of deployment.
About the Millennium Fellow
Muhammed Razeen is a Full Stack Developer and an AI Enthusiast. He is a sophomore, studying Btech. Computer Science and Engineering at Government Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara.
He is the Head/Lead of Hack Club MEC, which is a community that aims to help and mentor students aspiring to gain any kind of technical knowledge, also a core member of multiple tech communities and the entrepreneurship cell of our college. Some things that fascinate him include Human Psychology and Artificial intelligence.
His interests include tech, finance, marketing and community building. Some projects that he's currently working on :
LifeBoat: A mobile application that with a multitude of highly efficient features, to provide assistance to people suffering from mental health issues.
Thanal : A project aiming to simplify the process of charity and encourage the masses to provide for people in need.
Apart from all this, he's someone who enjoys public speaking, debates, long drives and even a little football.