United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In the three months the application was open in 2020, 15,159 young leaders applied to join the Class of 2020 on 1,458 campuses across 135 nations. 80 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 1,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2020 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.
Universidad de las Américas | Quito, Ecuador | Advancing SDG 6 & UNAI 9
" Being able to be part of this organization makes me feel that there are no limits to achieve what you want. I consider that it is a great opportunity to take advantage and develop to the maximum each one of my abilities because I can say that the most important thing and that generates more expectation is that this learning will lead me to improve the lives of many people. Likewise, learning about how the UN has been able to implement long-term projects is one of the aspects that I can highlight the most that make me feel very motivated. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Canchimalero, a footprint of hope.
Canchimalero, a footprint of hope is a community development project that is carried out between UDLA students and the Canchimalero community. The main objectives of this initative are i) to optimize the disinfection processes of drinking water, ii) the treatment of excreta, and iii) the management of solid wastes in Canchimalero.
All phases of the project will be carried out by students - putting into practice what has been learned in classrooms - with the contribution of teachers. Field activities are carried out with the support of community members, to achieve empowerment and guarantee the success of the project over time.
Canchimalero is a population in the northern coastal zone of Ecuador, where 51 Afro-Ecuadorian families dedicated to artisanal fishing and coconut farming live. Family groups are made up of between five and six members. The project is developed based on the needs raised by the community during a participatory workshop, in which the lack of basic services was demonstrated: drinking water, sewerage and solid waste management.
1) 10 dry latrines will be built / people use latrines.
2) The stabilizer (decomposition of feces) will be operated / biological process of organic decomposition is in operation.
3) A compost bin will be built for the management of organic waste /decomposition process in operation, earthworms adapted.
3) Two participatory workshops will be held / 70 members of the community participate actively.
4) A technical talk will be given in the municipality of Valdez about the proper management of the canton water potabilization plant.
5) A filter will be designed and tested to improve the quality of the consumption water/ filter installed and in operation in the community school.
About the Millennium Fellow
Carla Carrion Bassante was born in Quito, Ecuador. She is 20 years old and is currently pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering. She is passionate about understanding nature and how to share her knowledge in her community so that people become aware of the importance of this precious asset. In her free time, she takes the opportunity to travel to places where she can connect with the environment and thus put her acquired knowledge into practice. Carla dreams in the future of becoming a great researcher and being able to solve global environmental problems.