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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In 2021, over 25,000 young leaders on 2,000+ campuses across 153 nations applied to join the Class of 2021. 136 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 2,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2021 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.



Govt. Model Engineering College | Kochi, India | Advancing SDG 12 & UNAI 9


" I strongly believe this fellowship will help me to have immense networking opportunities and get into a global community of like-minded young people working towards attaining sustainable development goals, which in turn will boost my strength to fight for quality education. It will provide me the knowledge and exposure to make an impact on society to work for gender equality, good health, and other sustainable development goals. It will allow me to focus on creating a local impact in society as a team, which will help to come up with a wide range of effective ideas to work towards sustainable development goals.

Since this has been a journey of constant learning, personal development, and social impact it can improve my communication and leadership skills which can help me to convince my ideas to the society effectively. It makes me a part of the global network of change-makers who are working on making the world better, which gives me a wider view to make new solutions to local problems. Thus Millennium Fellowship helps me to take my social impact to the next level. Building a sustainable future requires the energy, creativity, and initiative of young people around the world, this program gives me a global perspective to come up with effective solutions to the challenges we come across in society.

Therefore I will use this fellowship to work more effectively in society to promote well-being for all and contribute to peaceful and democratic societies. It will give me the confidence and courage to achieve sustainable development goals and lend my strengths to the community. This opportunity will indeed help me to empower youth and the community to realize their true potential. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Rewind Plastic

Plastic disposal has always been a challenge for mankind. Due to the colossal quantity of non-degradable plastic on earth, it is impossible to completely evade plastic. So the only practical solution is to recycle plastic. To propagate this idea, we are in the initial implementation phase of the project which on completion will be the first on-campus plastic recycling unit in Kerala, India. The plastic collection will occur from within the college as well as the surroundings. This will be sent to the collection point of the unit and sorted. We are currently focusing on building 3 basic machines:
1. Shredder: The Shredder whacks plastic items into small flakes.
2. Extrusion: Extrusion is a continuous process where plastic flakes are inserted into the hopper and extruded into a line of plastic. Could be moulded into products.
3. Sheetpress: The Sheetpress presses shredded plastic into recycled sheets using a hydraulic press, recycling around 20 kg of plastic per sheet.

As the quote says “Baby steps lead to giant strides”, we believe this initiative from our part could inspire more people, especially students, to reflect upon their social responsibility and collectively make the earth a better place to live.

About the Millennium Fellow

Mibin Joseph N M is a student who is passionate about his area of study and is always polite and friendly in his interactions with faculty and his peers. We had always found him passionate about programming and he puts his best efforts to complete tasks assigned to him on time. He wishes to bring in changes to society especially in the field of spreading more awareness about the vitality of a sustainable society and coming up with new ideas to tackle current problems we face in this era.
He thinks about how to use the wisdom and thought we invest in the curriculum to be extended for the greater purpose of the common good. To bring a change in this world, students should start right from their campus and he strongly believes this golden opportunity will help him to use his strengths at maximum on this mission to change this world into a sustainable one.

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