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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In 2021, over 25,000 young leaders on 2,000+ campuses across 153 nations applied to join the Class of 2021. 136 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 2,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2021 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.



New York University | New York, United States | Advancing SDG 10 & UNAI 1


" I seek not glory but justice and truth and to paraphrase William Ernest Henley, It matters not how strait the gate or how charged with punishments the scroll, I will be the master of my fate and the captain of my soul. I am participating in the Millennium Fellowship to take charge of my own fate and begin to incite change in the areas of the social development that I think are longing for change. We all deserve to be the captain of our own souls, I believe that unequivocally. It is our human right and every individual's standard of living is a collective measure of all dignity. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Assistance for Vulnerable Women Across the Globe

AVWAG is a project focused on helping women in vulnerable situations, initated by fellow Victoria Alexander and Katherine Gross. Our goals are to reach out to women of vulnerable populations in our local communities and cities of study (through local non-profit organizations or possibly through school), volunteer in any form which may contribute beneficially to their lives, gain knowledge and understanding of the circumstances of their life the social implications which have caused them, provide assistive action to their community, conduct research on the social structure contributing to their vulnerability in site location, and learn/empathize with/share their story. We will do this by facilitating a clothing and food drive rolling through the semester on site location for donation and assistance and visiting the volunteer center at least 4 times throughout the program period, conducting research on the society which they inhabit and threats which they may face personally and socially and the implication of such on their population as a whole, and getting to know at least one individual from this group and site location and spreading awareness by sharing their story in a self-published column (one per group member).

About the Millennium Fellow

Victoria Alexander is an intelligent, cognizant and highly ambitious Junior currently attending New York University, pursuing a bachelors in Global Liberal Studies of Politics, Rights and Development as well as English Creative Writing. Although being born in the United States, Victoria spent the majority of her childhood and adolescence living on a small island in the Caribbean, Saint Lucia. Growing up in the global south has given her a unique social awareness to the inequities in her surroundings. Social justice, volunteering, and humanitarian action has always been passion of hers. She grew up in former British colony with a mother who deprived of an education beyond the age of 11 because of the color of her skin. Personally experiencing the pain of such deprevation suffered by such an important female figure in her own life has not only propelled her drive but her desire for better life circumstances to all women oif the global south and an intersectional approach to all humanitarian efforts she particiopates in. She is a first generation American, a first generation college goer and her drive is rooted in the very structures of inequity which her life has rooted in.

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