United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In 2021, over 25,000 young leaders on 2,000+ campuses across 153 nations applied to join the Class of 2021. 136 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 2,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2021 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.

Tata Institute of Social Sciences | Mumbai, India | Advancing SDG 16 & UNAI 2

" Development is the process of expanding real freedom that people enjoy. It requires removal of various unfreedoms like poverty, injustice, intolerance, oppression and so on- this conception by Amartya Sen deeply influenced my perception of development and the methods we use to achieve 'development'. Various platforms around us are so narrowly focused on the means and not on the ends of development. Here the 'end' is the well being of we people. The United Nations Sustainable development goals and the objectives of Millennium Fellowship are the ones that keep human beings and other life forms at the centre of development discourse instead of relying on numbers and figures. By being a Millennium Fellow I will get the opportunity to work closely with such a noble journey. For me this fellowship is a platform where my passion meets purpose. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Enhancing Human Capabilities - Apakshapaath
Apakshapaath forms an integral part of the umbrella project of Enhancing Human Capabilities. Humanity cannot attain its full potential without social justice and accessibility. So as a group of three members, we decided to contribute our bit to the fight against injustice. Our project has three parts- Efforts towards improving transparency and efficacy of child adoption in India, Afghanistan Humanitarian efforts, and School Innovation Challenge.
1. Efforts towards improving transparency and efficacy of child adoption in India- As a part of this project team member Vaishnavi Menon took up a project to create awareness about foster care among people. She has collected data from the government authorities and is currently working on expanding her research in the area/
2. Afghanistan fundraising project: The project is a continued effort to provide humanitarian aid to Afghanis. We have got in contact with a cohort working from Afghanistan and are in the process of raising funds in collaboration with team Saathi, a Rotaract club of Hyderabad with considerable social traction to aid fellow Afghan citizens.
3. SIC, 2021: We are working towards the implementation of the School Innovation Challenge, 2021 which is sponsored by the Telangana State Government, UNICEF, and Inquilab foundation and continue to assist about 1600 teachers spanned across eight districts as part of our responsibility in the project.
About the Millennium Fellow
Keerthi Krishna S is an optimistic and resilient student who pursues her education in the field of social sciences. She was born and brought up in the Indian state of Kerala. The diverses scenarios of human lives that her country had set around her motivated her to dream of working for the development and happiness of people. Throughout her life Keerthi advocated the principles of equality, inclusiveness and empowerment as she was deeply moved by the conditions of various marginalised communities around the globe. In her school days she succeeded in various leadership positions and her college life at the TATA Institute of Social Sciences provided her exposure to a vast world of academics and social activities. She aspires to be in a position that will enable her to contribute towards transforming the world and bringing smiles on people.