United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022. 200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.

Harvard University | Massachusetts, United States | Advancing SDG 2 & UNAI 1

" I’ve always said that working on Project Isaiah was both the thing I was proudest of in life, and the thing that I was most grateful to have played any role in. But, with our latest work in Poland in particular, even when I was on the ground, I didn’t feel like I was doing enough. This sensation is infinitely magnified upon returning home, to a college campus and a safe, wonderful life. As the Millennium Fellowship is designed for college students to enhance social impact work, I could not be more excited to learn from both the program and my Fellow Fellows! "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Project Isaiah
I began Project Isaiah in March of 2020. The Covid pandemic quickly left far too many families without means to put food on the table, while simultaneously dealing a devastating blow to the programs which supported those who were already struggling. More people than ever were hungry, yet exposure and contagion shut down kitchens in homeless shelters, food pantries, and schools that had provided breakfast and lunch programs. We realized that, with thousands of airplanes grounded, there was a large source of healthy, transportable food with nowhere to go. So, we partnered with a leading global provider of airline meals to allow them to keep their staff employed and continue to make meals in their airport kitchens while we created a distribution network that would redirect this food to those who needed it most. Eventually operating in 12 cities, delivering over 350,000 meals every week, Project Isaiah provided more than four million meals across the country while saving more than five hundred jobs.
Now, two years later, this particular mission is thankfully less necessary. But, I’ve been working to use the experience and connections Project Isaiah created with that first mission to continue working to ensure food and supplies get to those who need it. For example, we quickly mobilized in February of last year when a winter storm caused unprecedented flash freezing and power outages in Texas. Just a few weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I spent Spring Break between Krakow, Przemyśl, and the Polish-Ukrainian border, delivering supplies on a mission with the World Food Programme. This is what I hope my project continues to be: an ever evolving mission to address whatever comes our way, being as helpful as we can possibly be.
About the Millennium Fellow
Kathryn Klein is a junior at Harvard studying History & Literature. In 2020, Kathryn cofounded Project Isaiah, a nonprofit that partnered with leading airline meal manufacturer, Gate Gourmet, distributing meals to those struggling with food insecurity exacerbated by the pandemic. Eventually operating in 12 cities, delivering 350,000+ meals every week, Project Isaiah provided over four million meals across the country while saving more than five hundred jobs. When news broke detailing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it was this knowledge and experience that led Kathryn to Krakow, Przemyśl, and the Polish-Ukrainian border, delivering supplies with the UN World Food Programme.