United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022. 200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.

Universidad de Monterrey | Monterrey, Mexico | Advancing SDG 11, SDG 12 & UNAI 9

" To put into service my knowledge in favor of the environment and the people has been one of my biggest motivations to continue learning and comprehending more about the field of engineering, and it's relation to the environment. As well as getting to know more projects from Fellow peers. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Hocatimex
Nuevo León is a semi-arid state, where most of the constructions are made of concrete, while the natural materials used in ancient times have been gradually forgotten. Through this research, a material is developed incorporating materials that do not impact the environment negatively.
It is composed of clayey soil, which acts as a binder between particles and according to Hernandez (2017) has excellent thermal properties and is economically affordable, (practically free). The second material is dried tree leaves (ash and avocado leaves in this case), according to Gago (2017) they help to maintain the same internal moisture levels, allowing the return of nutrients to the soil and thermal properties are added to the material. If they are not reused, they can reach the same place as general waste without taking advantage of their potential. Coffee waste gives the material properties of a natural insecticide, according to Bissanti (2013). Meanwhile, burnt vegetable oil and calcium oxide are reused to add waterproof properties, Cantú (2022).
That said, three prototypes of Hocatimex will be made based on the same materials and thus determine which is the most efficient. in terms of compressive strength, thermal resistance and insecticide. Thus, the hypothesis is that prototype one of Hocatimex has a compressive strength greater than 6 (kilograms/square centimeter) and a thermal resistance (k-value) lower than that of adobe (0.9).
Thus providing another sustainable material option that can mitigate the pollution produced by the construction sector. And as a consequence, improve planning in terms of costs and environmental impacts, since both aspects directly affect the citizen.
About the Millennium Fellow
Rocío Daniela Cantú Leos is a civil and environmental student from Mexico.
A very ambitious person, who tries to learn and comprehend the most she can out of every scenario. In that way, put those into practice for the service of the people, whilst using the resources in the most efficient way possible to avoid having a negative impact with the environment. That's why she decided to take part on a social service outside her country. And also to put in practice her language skills since she is a polyglot with german, english, french spanish and italian. Throughout this experience, she noticed some people were watering trees with more water than they needed, this seemed odd to her, since her country faces drought. It was later explained that this place suffered from floods and needed to rationalize water. This made her realize that mankind should be more conscious about the resources we have and helping each other out is crucial to minimize the negative impacts we create with the environment, regardless who the person is, cultural barriers are not a problem to her. It's mentioned by her that one never lacks time to do something, just priority. And this is one of the main motivation she has to continue learning and comprehending more about this world we live in.