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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. This year, 52,000+ young leaders applied to join the Class of 2024 on 6,000+ campuses across 170 nations. 280+ campuses worldwide (just 5%) were selected to host the 4,000+ Millennium Fellows.



University of Chittagong | Chattogram, Bangladesh | Advancing SDG 4, SDG 5 & UNAI 3


" Subaita Hasan Sinthiya is a young and passionate student, currently pursuing her
bachelor's degree in "International Relations" at University of Chittagong. She was
born and raised up in a small town of Bangladesh. From a very young age she was
concerned about some alarming issues like human rights and climate change.
Her commitment to creating positive change led her to " Lal Sabuj Society " a
organisation that work on 6 goals of SDG. Through working with Lal Sabuj Society, she
gained valuable leadership and project management skill. While working on SDG goals
she found herself strongly devoted to work for the goal 5 (Gender equality), as growing
up in a small town she faced a lot of discrimination for her gender identity. Her
ultimate goal is to create a equitable world where gender identity never becomes a
barrier for a person to pursue their life goals, where everyone gets a equal chance. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: She Leads

In Chittagong, where we currently live, we’ve observed that the majority of females begin school but do not finish it due to early marriage. Girls are being raised by families with the expectation that they would become housewives when they grow up. Such ideas discourage many talented females from pursuing careers. Reports have shown that many married women in Bangladesh are abused physically, mentally, sexually or economically at some point in their lives by their husbands. In such cases most girls do not leave their husbands because they are not financially self-sufficient. If a girl is educated enough, she will be able to protest against such violence and come out of this situation.   That’s why we propose conducting sessions with local girls between the ages of 10 and 18 along with their families. We will learn in these sessions how essential it is for a girl to have an academic focus. During these sessions, we will help them realize that a girl’s life should have goals beyond being married. Our project will show them several viewpoints on how pursuing higher education might enhance one’s quality of life. We’ll additionally talk about freelancing as a career option for those girls who are looking for financial solvency. We will prioritize the development of their skills, including interpersonal and other relevant competencies. By earning from home, they can carry out their academic fees and they can avoid reliance on others.

About the Millennium Fellow

Subaita Hasan Sinthiya is a young and passionate student, currently pursuing her
bachelor's degree in "International Relations" at University of Chittagong. She was
born and raised up in a small town of Bangladesh. From a very young age she was
concerned about some alarming issues like human rights and climate change.
Her commitment to creating positive change led her to " Lal Sabuj Society " a
organisation that work on 6 goals of SDG. Through working with Lal Sabuj Society, she
gained valuable leadership and project management skill. While working on SDG goals
she found herself strongly devoted to work for the goal 5 (Gender equality), as growing
up in a small town she faced a lot of discrimination for her gender identity. Her
ultimate goal is to create a equitable world where gender identity never becomes a
barrier for a person to pursue their life goals, where everyone gets a equal chance.

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