United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. This year, 52,000+ young leaders applied to join the Class of 2024 on 6,000+ campuses across 170 nations. 280+ campuses worldwide (just 5%) were selected to host the 4,000+ Millennium Fellows.

University of Buea Campus A | Buea, Cameroon | Advancing SDG 3, SDG 2, SDG 4 & UNAI 9

" Passion and love for the veterinary profession, being able to relieve animals from pain and discomfort are my driving Force. Being a part of the Millennium Fellowship will enhance my skills and provide a platform through which I will be able to connect with like minded peers, mentors and leaders in my field which can lead to valuable collaboration and career opportunities.The knowledge gaining will enable me create a huge impact especially in oy African society and in the does of veterinarians Medicine, aligned with SDGs. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Educational Reformation Linking Food Security and Health
Title of Project: Educational Reformation Linking Food Security and Health.
Project Overview:
What problem are we addressing?:
When we make mention of career development, we are referring to lifelong process of learning, exploring, and advancing in a chosen field. Therefore, by building a career path, will require adequate and relevant information to be able to make proper decisions.
A holistic approach (New) behind Educational Reformation is that food security and good health must be compatible to every career path. Irrespective of one’s chosen career or field, he or she cannot do without food nor good health to be able to excel in that career. Despite diversity in careers, skills development towards advancing food security and good health should accompany career diversity.
How do we intend to solve this problem?
Based on the report from the Nationa Institute of Statistics “ 2nd Survey on the Monitoring of Public Expenditure and the Level of Recipients Satisfaction in the Education and Health Sectors in Cameroon (PETS2), on December, 2023 shows there are 1,013,667 students in the secondary education sector of Cameroon. This implies, 1,013,667 young students would be or are aspiring for diverse career paths. Educational Reformation will require that career orientation is needful for this students as they move to forms fives and and from upper sixth level to the university of the need to incorporate agricultural entrepreneurship skills in their chosen fields (career) if there is need is the will to combat the challenge of food security and good health. This holistic approach (New) will have a tremendous multiplier effect.
Skills development on food transformation will alleviate the challenge of post harvest waist and equally, the production of quality food void of spikes, will enhance good health within our communities and by so doing, this initiative will be enhancing SDG 2, which addresses on Zero Hunger and SDG 3, which addresses on Good Health and Wellbeing.
How will you measure your impact?:
Our impact shall be measured in terms of groups, clubs that shall be created in secondary schools and universities where a reformed curriculum shall be applied to orientate these students on the knowledge based environment where they can make informed decisions that will make them sustainable.
About the Millennium Fellow
LEMONGE GLENDA AZAMEGI is an ambitious young and competitive 5th year veterinary medicine student at the university of Buea l, Cameroon. She was born on the 5th of August 2002 In Kumba, Cameroon. She is very passionate about the rights of Animals in the society and aimed at making the world a better place for these creatures who cannot talk and express how they feel, she is also a Member of the YALI Network. She plans to be an expert in her field of studies and provide much contribution in the development of the United nation's millennium sustainability.