United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. This year, 52,000+ young leaders applied to join the Class of 2024 on 6,000+ campuses across 170 nations. 280+ campuses worldwide (just 5%) were selected to host the 4,000+ Millennium Fellows.

Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital | Sokoto, Nigeria | Advancing SDG 3, SDG 3, SDG 13, SDG 1 & UNAI 2

" There's saying that says " one tree cannot make a forest and sometimes having passion while in isolation of likes minded might leads to fruitslessness" I believe community plays a big role in mans life , finding interest in SDGs might be unyielding if one is not in the right community because in community one would unleran, learn and relearn. I also look forward to my participation and unique contributions to the community. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Operation Kick Out Malaria
PANS medical outreach in partnership with Folaranmi Abdulrahman a 2024 millennium fellow,
The event themed "Operation kick out the Malaria, A campaign against Malaria" was organized by pharmaceutical association of Nigeria students (PANS) where I partnered with them as a 2024 millennium fellow, a member of the association and a public health advocate. The event took place on 28-sept- 2024 at a particular village called Gidan yaro in permanent site, Usmanu dan fodio university sokoto, we left for the said venue around 9am in the morning due to some unavoidable delays, with our costal bus other vehicles all summing up to 50 students.Perhaps village leaders had been informed of our coming prior to this day to seek their permission and luckily it was granted, However,On getting to the venue, we swept in to the action,starting with enlightening the villagers about malaria, we talked about how it can be can be contacted through an infected female anopheles mosquito, the preventive measure that can be put in place and what needs to be done when one is down with Malaria, after this , we conducted some basic test for Malaria by using rapid diagnostic malaria test kits (RDT), whoever tested to be negative was given prophylactic medicine for Malaria, and whoever tested to be positive was given some antimalarial medication plus paracetamol, while some Oral rehydration salt (ORS) and some basic medications that are often needed by toddlers was also given to the parents of any kids who need it, this medical outreach covered about 80-90% of the total population village , this is made possible because we divided ourselves into 4 groups where different groups ply differents route within the village, thus house to house medical outreach was realized, Generally the villagers that benefitted from this could be estimated to be 150+ ,after carrying out the outreach throughout the village making sure every possible area was touched , we headed back to our bus where we took some pictures with some small video clip, everybody was happy and glad that they were able to help afterwards we left to our various destinations.
About the Millennium Fellow
Folaranmi Abdulrahman is a native of sepeteri, a remote town in saki east local government in oyo State, Nigeria, Abdulrahman is passionate person about health in general leading to him studying pharmacy in Usmanu dan fodiyo university sokoto, Nigeria. He's a vibrant person right from onset having discovered his niche and interests in health because he thinks through that way he can lend various hand of helps, because health is the one the challenges that alot of people are battling with especially from a developing country that he comes from, thus he chose to work on mental health now, because of what he's seeing around him as a student that most students are deprived good and better mental mostly because of hectic academic schedule leading significant numbers of them being depressed, especially when it becomes to cumbersome, holding to the fact that there's no health without mental health, to this end he planned to meet several student and discuss how important mental health is and how to take care of theirs